How to read these notes

Welcome to CSCI 0320/1340!

This page contains the lecture notes for the course. With JavaScript enabled, the table of contents will allow you to select a specific chapter. Likewise, the search icon should allow you to search for arbitrary words throughout all the notes. The lecture indexing is for Fall 2024. Some lectures are mainly done via slides, in which case we will attempt to link the slides here as well.

These notes are meant to be accompanied by the course live code repository, which contains a collection of code examples done in and out of class. The course assumes that students will review the live code.

These notes are not final!

This outline is subject to change, and notes are often modified in response to TA feedback or student Q&A before class. Some notes will be greyed out and inaccessible in the table of contents.


Exercises are enclosed in expandable spoiler tags:

Exercise Answers

If you see an expandable piece of text, like this:

Think, then click.

Text for you to read after thinking or doing an exercise...

stop and think, or do the related exercise, before expanding.

Supplementary Material

Effective Java 3rd Edition

Effective Java 3e is available to read online for free via Brown's library.

Success In 0320


I am sending overrides every day as seats become available. The cap is shared between all sections, including 1340. C@B doesn't accurately report enrollments at the moment, because it doesn't combine these sections and it doesn't include active but not-yet-accepted overrides.


  • If you don't intend to take 0320/1340, please drop (and/or remove the course from your cart) so that the department sees the seat and can add someone on the waitlist.
  • If you get an override, accept it or decline it ASAP. If you hold onto it but don't accept it, it is harming my ability to admit students who really want the course. Especially this semester, when more courses are capped, propagation of availability is much slower. Please don't slow us down!
  • If you do intend to take the course, keep it in your cart so that you see announcements, etc. that we send to the list or post on EdStem. Although the department is allocating seats this semester, I will be disinclined to add someone without the course in their cart.
  • You need the prerequisites to take 0320 or 1340. If you haven't completed an intro sequence (including at other universities), you cannot take the course.


Welcome to 0320/1340! Before we get started, turn to the people sitting next you to now and introduce yourself.

The most important part of 0320 is collaboration. With the exception of the very first assignment, everything in 0320 is group work.

  • You'll be submitting your work to repositories that everyone in the class can (eventually) read.
  • You'll be helping one another solve bugs and design problems (even if you're in different project groups; this is a requirement). To make this work, we need a professional and friendly environment.

We'll be passing out index cards. I like to anonymously learn some important things about students in this class, so please fill one out, answering:

  • What is a goal you have for 0320?
  • What is something you need to succeed in 0320?
  • What is something you're afraid of in 0320? At the end of class, leave your card either here in front or on (one single) chair in the back so I can collect.

An Example: Collab Section

In 0320, we don't have "hours" in the way you may be used to, although help is available frequently! In industry, it's not uncommon to help colleagues improve their code, find and fix bugs, and produce reliable and extensible designs—even if they are solving a problem you're unfamiliar with. The one-on-one debugging hours format doesn't teach those skills. Similarly, in industry, you're not graded by an autograder or low-level rubric; you'll have a mentor TA to whom you demo and get formative feedback from every week.

Speaking of TAs, let's introduce them!

Immediate Advice

The first sprint goes out Monday, and there's a setup deliverable due before then. Please do it; you don't want to spend a lot of time early next week on setting up IntelliJ and so on.

Go to gear up sections. This semester, they're on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Read lecture notes and livecode! Prototype early! (Paraphrasing Andy: Start soon! Start yesterday!)

Please be aware that while this is an S/NC course, it is a lot of work. To quote a very wise remark from prior feedback: "You will work very hard, but not get an A".

My hours (at least for now) will be immediately after class on Thursdays. I'll be in CIT 355 and also on my Zoom, to maximize accessibility for those who are off-campus, sick, on the waitlist, etc. It's OK to bring code, design, etc. questions to my hours, if you wish.

Reading for Next Time

Non-technical reading: Clever Manka. It's short.

Reading for Sprints 1.1 and 1.2

Effective Java (3rd edition) items on:

  • general contracts and equality/hash, Items 10, 11, and 12;
  • generics, Items 26, 29, and 30; and
  • exceptions, Items 69, 70, 72, 73.

Items in Chapter 4 may be useful for those who haven't done object-oriented programming recently. Especially Items 15, 17, and 19.

You are not required to buy this book. It's available free to read online via Brown's library.

Be sure to read the notes and livecode. There is useful information in them that may not be covered in class.

Programming vs. Engineering

Let's say I asked you to open up your laptop and write me a sorting algorithm in the language of your choice. How would you react?

Think, then click. Hopefully you didn't immediately start programming. I didn't really give you enough information, did I? I didn't say (among other things):
  • what kind of values you would have to sort;
  • whether the sort needed to be stable, or in-place, or if there were any runtime requirements; or
  • what the input interface should be (do you need to do file I/O or parse a CSV file?)

If you'd written insertion sort over lists of integers, but I needed to sort lists of records with a low worst-case runtime, you'd have had to start all over.

Get in the habit of asking questions. It will save you time and pain in the future.

Don't misunderstand me: you'll all write lots of code in this class. Your career in CSCI so far has likely trained you to write a lot of code. But just writing code is, frankly, not good enough.

The 0320 Mindset

This may be the weirdest course you'll take during your time at Brown CS. It will also challenge you in new ways. That is deliberate.

Our goal is not to teach you to do better at programming courses, or even computer science courses in general. Our goal is to teach you to be a better engineer, period. That goal has some natural consequences.

The collaboration policy is part of that. We'll use Git, an industry standard version control system. If you haven't had Git experience yet, that's OK! Here's an example of how it works on a project I just happen to have here on my laptop. By the way, I'm using IntelliJ to work on this code. This course strongly encourages you to use (and supports) IntelliJ; the gear up sections today and tomorrow can help you set it up.

One advantage of using Git is that all the code from lecture will be available on a public repository in the F24 folder (for Fall 2024) and also in the vignettes subfolder, which I use for small examples that may or may not appear in class. You can clone the repository to experiment with the code on your own machine. You should clone this repository as soon as you're able; we'll use it for in-class exercises, and it gives you the ability to experiment with changing the code on your own machine. Starting next week, I will assume that you have the repository cloned on your laptop, if you bring one.

Class Prep and Spoilers

If a filename or package has prep in it, I'm including it in the repository to help me structure the live coding session, and keep track of things like intentional and unintentional bugs. These are spoilers for class, and may not be reliable resources.

A Little Bit of Generics

In today's project I've got a very basic Student class. Every Student has a todo list, and the contents of their todo list are passed in the constructor.

public class Student {    
    List<String> todos;
    public Student(List<String> todos) {
        this.todos = todos;


We don't have any code yet to remove things, or add things to the list. What we do have is a method to find the most common thing on the todo list.

    public String mostCommonTodoItem() {
        Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<>();
        for(String s : this.todos) {
            if(!counts.containsKey(s)) counts.put(s, 1);
            else counts.put(s, counts.get(s) + 1);
        String mostCommonItem = null;
        int howCommon = 0;
        for(String s : counts.keySet()) {
            if(counts.get(s) > howCommon) {
                mostCommonItem = s;
                howCommon = counts.get(s);
        return mostCommonItem;

There might be more concise ways to write this, but this way is useful for what I want to demo. It breaks the problem in half:

  • first, compute the number of times every item appears on the list; and
  • second, find which item had the highest count.

Looking at this code, you might have some questions. One is whether I can really say there is one unique most common item on the list. I'm making some unstated assumptions, aren't I? More on that later in the semester.

For now, let's observe that the todo list for every student needs to contain String items. But there's no real reason for that. Our mostCommonTodoItem() method would work perfectly if we changed String to Integer. Or we changed String to Object, or even to some other more complicated type like List<String> (then each todo item would be its own list). But to make such a change, we need to modify many places in the method, and copy it. We'd have mostCommonTodoItem_String and mostCommonTodoItem_Int and so on. That sounds like a lot of work. The code isn't easily extensible.

We can fix that using Java generics. Rather than saying List<String>, what we want to do is speak of a list of some arbitrary type---that the method doesn't need to care about the details of. Let's call that arbitrary type T for short. Then we might say that the Student class has a field List<T> todos, and write the method this way:

public T mostCommonTodoItem() {
        Map<T, Integer> counts = new HashMap<>();
        for(T s : this.todos) {
            if(!counts.containsKey(s)) counts.put(s, 1);
            else counts.put(s, counts.get(s) + 1);
        T mostCommonItem = null;
        int howCommon = 0;
        for(T s : counts.keySet()) {
            if(counts.get(s) > howCommon) {
                mostCommonItem = s;
                howCommon = counts.get(s);
        return mostCommonItem;

It's the same code we would have written if we'd changed String to some other type, except we're just plugging in this new name T instead. Here, T is called a type variable. Crucially, a type variable is not a variable at runtime. It doesn't hold a value or a reference. Instead, it's a variable that the compiler uses when it's reasoning about the program. We can make this code valid Java by declaring T in the class definition:

public class Student<T> {

Every time we create a Student, that instance will have a todo list containing items of some type. That type will always have to be the same type for any specific student; that single type is the value of T (which only exists for the compiler). We can create students just like we would without the type variable, but we need to provide a little information, like this:

Student<String> tim = new Student<>(List.of("lecture notes", "email", "email", "family", "email"));
Student<Integer> nim = new Student<>(List.of(1, 17, 3, 43, 1, 2, 5));

This is exactly the same thing you do when you create a new List or Set or HashMap! All of these data structures are implemented using type variables. They are a great way to make your code easy to use and extend. (We'll revisit generics and type variables a little later in the semester, but this is as much as you need for now.)

This isn't really about Java

Most programming languages, at least those with a static type system, support this sort of thing. Technically, it's an example of something called parametric polymorphism. Even Python's type-hint system allows it.

While we're here editing this class, there's something I don't like. What happens if the list is empty? Then the method returns null. This feels unsafe, or at least not very communicative. We could be throwing an exception that has more meaning---like IllegalArgumentException (or maybe even our own exception type). I'll add this to the start of the method:

        if(this.todos.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

Great! So we've made 2 improvements to the code: one which makes it more generic, and one that makes it a little more useful to the program that's calling it.

Now that we've made this change, I'll just commit the change to my local repository. First, I'll tell Git that I want it to include the change I just made:

git add

At any point, I can ask Git for the status of the repository:

git status

which can help keep track of which files are changed, added (i.e., ready to be comitted) etc.

I see the file I want to change is ready, so I'll commit the change, with a human-readable message:

git commit -m "feat: generic student TODO list, better error behavior"

So far, the change is only on my local machine: in the file, but also in the repository. If I want others on staff (and all of you!) to get the change, I need to push to the repo:

git push 

We can see a log of commits on the Github page for the project. Each of these entries shows a commit I've made in the past. If someone else wants to review the changes I've made, they can just look at the difference between commits. This is tremendously useful for group work, and most real engineering is group work.

Now if any of you view the repo, you'll see my change. It's that easy! Here's a sketch image of what's going on. Always keep in mind that these three things are different:

  • the files on your filesystem;
  • the history and current version of those files in your local repository; and
  • the history and current version of those files in your remote repository.

As the semester progresses, we'll have expectations about your use of Git. For now, focus on your commits and pushes:

  • Name your commits something informative, and give credit to anyone who pair-programmed or worked with you. (More on this in the gearup.)
  • Commit and push regularly. Don't just push everything all at once on the day the sprint is due. If your laptop breaks, and you haven't pushed to Github, you will be a very unhappy person and we may not be particularly sympathetic.

In future, we'll ask you to use branches---which are a great way to develop in parallel with others. For the first sprint, working in the main branch is fine.

Testing with JUnit

Unfortunately, I forgot to do something really important.

Since this was an existing project, we had test cases written for it. I guess I should have run those tests before pushing my update, huh? Let's have a look. Our tests use JUnit, a popular testing library for Java. How do we install JUnit? Just by adding it as a dependency in Maven, our Java package manager. Your Maven configuration usually lives in a single file: pom.xml. In my project, I have:


This loads JUnit for testing in my application. (The plugin is to help JUnit interoperate well with the build system we'll be using, Maven, which you may recall is the tool that uses this pom.xml file.)

I previously had this test in my suite:

    public void emptyList() {
        Student student = new Student(List.of());        

There are now some warnings in the test, because Student is now generic, and there are no angle-bracketed type parameters in my test. But we can fix those pretty easily, just by adding <> or <String> in some places.

But the test still fails. I guess I put in a bug by mistake. But I don't really understand how, or what the problem is. How do I work through the problem?

Watch out!

This is a simple issue that you may immediately see and know how to fix. That's not the point. If it were something bigger, it would be difficult to fit it into class. So let's treat this as a real bug, and learn better how to diagnose such problems.

The 0320 Debugging Recipe

I think I'm supposed to follow this debugging recipe. And why don't you all help me follow it? It starts in a strange way:

Rule One

"Never debug when tired or angry."

I don't feel particularly angry, and I just had a sandwich. So I think I'm good to go. (This rule is not a joke, however. When you're tired and/or angry, your effectiveness per unit time goes down, and you may end up convincing yourself to make changes that are not good ideas in hindsight and make the problem even harder to fix. This is a reason to start work ASAP.)

What's Wrong?

Assemble your knowledge. Write no more than two sentences for each question:

  • What is the purpose of the code you're working on?
  • What steps can you perform to reproduce the bug?
  • What is the expected behavior/result, and what is the unexpected actual behavior/result?
  • Why do you expect the result that you expect?

Let's give it a try.

I'm working on a method that finds the most common item in a list. I can reproduce the bug by running the test suite for the Student class. The failing test creates a Student instance with an empty list, and then invokes the most-common method. I expected this test to pass. I made the code objectively better, so tests shouldn't be failing.

Tell the Story

Now describe how you think the system operates as it approaches the unexpected actual result. Write your description as a series of steps. Use no more than one or two sentences for each step, but each step should be testable as a hypothesis about how the system works.

The student is created, and its todos field contains a reference to that empty list. Then the method is called, the empty-list check is hit, my exception gets thrown, and the test should pass.


Confirm each step in your description is accurate. Use any reasonable means (e.g., print statements or a debugger). The first step where the program behaves unexpectedly is a possible location for the original bug. More commonly, it contains the call site for the actual buggy code.

I see the student is created, and I know the method is called because I added a println to check. I see my exception is being returned, because I added a println to check.* But an exception is not the same as null.

Notice how this process is leading us to the problem: that an exception being thrown is not the same as returning null. This is a pretty simple bug, but the process of narrowing your attention through experiments is a professional technique that works even in enormous enterprise systems.

We expect you to follow the recipe, especially during collab section. If you were my debugging partner, my answers to those questions may have pointed you directly to the problem!

I guess I need to rewrite my test. But wait. Isn't what we just did cheating? I let you see my code, and that might influence your solution to this project.

No. In 0320, we have an open collaboration policy---even about code. But in exchange, we need you to follow some basic professional standards. Things like: giving credit to sources, not short-circuiting anybody's learning, and never adapting code you don't understand or can't test well. See the missive for the full statement.

A failure to meet these basic professional standards would be a violation of Brown's academic code. It would also get you in trouble at work. To run a course with such an open policy is risky---if abused, it harms your learning and our ability to keep the course collaborative. So, to protect the format of the course, if these standards were violated I would have to file an academic code case and then relentlessly pursue it.

But I won't have to do that, right?

What About AI?

What about it? You'll be allowed to use it, just like any other resource. However, you'll need to conform to the above standards, just as if it were a collaborator.

How Does Grading Work?

0320 is mandatory S/NC. We do give S with distinction. The course is divided into 2 parts: the sprints and the term project. The sprints let you demonstrate command of new technical skills (which we give formative feedback on). The term project lets you show you can apply those skills in a new context of your own.

The missive talks at length about grading; I won't try to duplicate that information here. But some changes you might want to be aware of include the following.

New: 1-week sprints and feedback

New this semester, we've factored each of the former 2-week sprints out into 2 1-week sprints. This gives us a better cadence for feedback. You'll alternate between asycnhronous video demos and synchronous demos each week, and the demos are the primary way your mentors will generate feedback.

You'll receive access to a spreadsheet where your mentors will leave formative feedback every week, along with whether you've met expectations for the week. We'll expect you to work on addressing this feedback between sprints. See the missive for more information.

New: Demo Recipes

We'll also be providing you with a "demo recipe" to help you prepare, and giving you access to the recipe your mentors will be using to guide their feedback. There are no secret rubrics in 0320. But we do want to see you meet expectations.

New: Collaboration Crests

We would like to more strongly encourage collaboration between students. You will be required to, e.g., have a design discussion with someone you don't know, do code review, and so on. See the missive for more information.

A Focus on Testing

We'll talk more about testing on Tuesday, but it should go without saying that in 0320, we take testing seriously. The handouts contain pretty good advice on meeting our requirements. Read them.

It is a bedrock principle of 0320 that if you cannot demo or test something, it's not actually done.

Aside: Test Coverage

There are a few metrics for how good a test suite is. One is "test coverage", which measures how much of the code the suite exercises. Although we encourage you to run from the terminal using mvn, IntelliJ is probably the best way to get test-coverage information easily, without more configuration work. To do this, run a test file in IntelliJ, then select "Run with Coverage" from the "Run" menu:

The run menu's run-with-coverage option

This will open a new pane in IntelliJ:

A new pane labeled "Coverage", showing class, method, and line coverage

My 3 tests for today's lecture are only exercising 29 percent of the code! That's a bit worrying. (We'll expect at least 50 percent line coverage on CSV, which should be very easy to reach.) If you click on the package name, it will show you lower-level information:

Details for the Student class, the Main class, and the prep sub-package

Actually, my coverage isn't bad after all. I simply don't have tests in this file for my course-prep code, or for the Main class. That's OK; all lines in the Student class are being exercised.

Coverage isn't everything!

Don't view a high level of coverage as a guarantee! Coverage is imperfect; there are a lot of things it doesn't measure. But it's one means by which you can discover problems with your testing.

On a similar note, there's diminishing returns on time to improve coverage. In a real, large code base, it's far more difficult to move from 90% to 95% than it is to move from 50% to 65%. Don't spend all your time trying to improve coverage at the exclusion of all else, but don't neglect it either. Our sprints are small, compared to most real-world projects!

The Debugging Recipe

Rule One

Never debug when tired or angry. If you must debug when tired, commit to a stopping time. Set a timer or ask a friend to help you keep that commitment.

Identify What's Wrong

Assemble your knowledge. Write no more than two sentences for each question:

  • What is the purpose of the code you're working on?
  • What steps can you perform to reproduce the bug?
  • What is the expected behavior/result, and what is the unexpected actual behavior/result?
  • Why do you expect the result that you expect?

Tell the Story

Now describe how you think the system operates as it approaches the unexpected actual result. Write your description as a series of steps. Use no more than one or two sentences for each step, but each step should be testable as a hypothesis about how the system works.


Confirm each step in your description is accurate. Use any reasonable means (e.g., print statements or a debugger). The first step where the program behaves unexpectedly is a possible location for the original bug. More commonly, it contains the call site for the actual buggy code.

Record this location, along with the expected and actual behavior.


If you have a hypothesis about the cause of the bug, make an experiment to see if you are correct.

  • If yes, proceed to fix the problem. Whenever possible, add a regression test so that this bug will be quickly identified if it happens again. Re-run all tests to confirm that your "fix" hasn't broken something else.
  • If you have no hypothesis, or your hypothesis was incorrect, increase your level of detail about that single step. Look for unstated assumptions and dependencies; often, you'll find you left something important out of the original story. Then repeat the localization step.

Testing, Strategies, and the Debugging Recipe


This class session is designed to support your work on Sprint 1.1. In it, you'll find:

  • a conceptual discussion on unit testing;
  • a worked example using the strategy pattern; and
  • a concrete discussion and on unit testing.

You'll be able to follow along and experiment with the end result by cloning the class livecode repository.

Note on CSV

Many questions are being answered in Ed already. You might benefit from skimming the topics, or searching. We are trying to promote discussion and thought, not give "the answer". If you ask "Is this right?" we might not answer with a boolean. That's just life.

Keep in mind, you should not need to use instanceof or typecasting outside of methods like overriding .equals or .hashCode in a new class. We'll also be understanding if you must typecast in your test suites, although you should not need to do this for the first 2 sprints.

Clever Manka

There's a fairy tale I like: Clever Manka, from a 1920's compilation called The Shoemaker's Apron, available on Project Gutenburg here. I'll reproduce the text in full here, within these spoiler tags.

Clever Manka

There was once a rich farmer who was as grasping and unscrupulous as he was rich. He was always driving a hard bargain and always getting the better of his poor neighbors. One of these neighbors was a humble shepherd who in return for service was to receive from the farmer a heifer. When the time of payment came the farmer refused to give the shepherd the heifer and the shepherd was forced to lay the matter before the burgomaster.

The burgomaster, who was a young man and as yet not very experienced, listened to both sides and when he had deliberated he said:

"Instead of deciding this case, I will put a riddle to you both and the man who makes the best answer shall have the heifer. Are you agreed?"

The farmer and the shepherd accepted this proposal and the burgomaster said:

"Well then, here is my riddle: What is the swiftest thing in the world? What is the sweetest thing? What is the richest? Think out your answers and bring them to me at this same hour tomorrow."

The farmer went home in a temper.

"What kind of a burgomaster is this young fellow!" he growled. "If he had let me keep the heifer I'd have sent him a bushel of pears. But now I'm in a fair way of losing the heifer for I can't think of any answer to his foolish riddle."

"What is the matter, husband?" his wife asked.

"It's that new burgomaster. The old one would have given me the heifer without any argument, but this young man thinks to decide the case by asking us riddles."

When he told his wife what the riddle was, she cheered him greatly by telling him that she knew the answers at once.

"Why, husband," said she, "our gray mare must be the swiftest thing in the world. You know yourself nothing ever passes us on the road. As for the sweetest, did you ever taste honey any sweeter than ours? And I'm sure there's nothing richer than our chest of golden ducats that we've been laying by these forty years."

The farmer was delighted.

"You're right, wife, you're right! That heifer remains ours!"

The shepherd when he got home was downcast and sad. He had a daughter, a clever girl named Manka, who met him at the door of his cottage and asked:

"What is it, father? What did the burgomaster say?"

The shepherd sighed.

"I'm afraid I've lost the heifer. The burgomaster set us a riddle and I know I shall never guess it."

"Perhaps I can help you," Manka said. "What is it?"

So the shepherd gave her the riddle and the next day as he was setting out for the burgomaster's, Manka told him what answers to make.

When he reached the burgomaster's house, the farmer was already there rubbing his hands and beaming with self-importance.

The burgomaster again propounded the riddle and then asked the farmer his answers.

The farmer cleared his throat and with a pompous air began:

"The swiftest thing in the world? Why, my dear sir, that's my gray mare, of course, for no other horse ever passes us on the road. The sweetest? Honey from my beehives, to be sure. The richest? What can be richer than my chest of golden ducats!"

And the farmer squared his shoulders and smiled triumphantly.

"H'm," said the young burgomaster, dryly. Then he asked:

"What answers does the shepherd make?"

The shepherd bowed politely and said:

"The swiftest thing in the world is thought for thought can run any distance in the twinkling of an eye. The sweetest thing of all is sleep for when a man is tired and sad what can be sweeter? The richest thing is the earth for out of the earth come all the riches of the world."

"Good!" the burgomaster cried. "Good! The heifer goes to the shepherd!"

Later the burgomaster said to the shepherd:

"Tell me, now, who gave you those answers? I'm sure they never came out of your own head."

At first the shepherd tried not to tell, but when the burgomaster pressed him he confessed that they came from his daughter, Manka. The burgomaster, who thought he would like to make another test of Manka's cleverness, sent for ten eggs. He gave them to the shepherd and said:

"Take these eggs to Manka and tell her to have them hatched out by tomorrow and to bring me the chicks."

When the shepherd reached home and gave Manka the burgomaster's message, Manka laughed and said: "Take a handful of millet and go right back to the burgomaster. Say to him: 'My daughter sends you this millet. She says that if you plant it, grow it, and have it harvested by tomorrow, she'll bring you the ten chicks and you can feed them the ripe grain.'"

When the burgomaster heard this, he laughed heartily.

"That's a clever girl of yours," he told the shepherd. "If she's as comely as she is clever, I think I'd like to marry her. Tell her to come to see me, but she must come neither by day nor by night, neither riding nor walking, neither dressed nor undressed."

When Manka received this message she waited until the next dawn when night was gone and day not yet arrived. Then she wrapped herself in a fishnet and, throwing one leg over a goat's back and keeping one foot on the ground, she went to the burgomaster's house.

Now I ask you: did she go dressed? No, she wasn't dressed. A fishnet isn't clothing. Did she go undressed? Of course not, for wasn't she covered with a fishnet? Did she walk to the burgomaster's? No, she didn't walk for she went with one leg thrown over a goat. Then did she ride? Of course she didn't ride for wasn't she walking on one foot?

When she reached the burgomaster's house she called out:

"Here I am, Mr. Burgomaster, and I've come neither by day nor by night, neither riding nor walking, neither dressed nor undressed."

The young burgomaster was so delighted with Manka's cleverness and so pleased with her comely looks that he proposed to her at once and in a short time married her. > >"But understand, my dear Manka," he said, "you are not to use that cleverness of yours at my expense. I won't have you interfering in any of my cases. In fact if ever you give advice to any one who comes to me for judgment, I'll turn you out of my house at once and send you home to your father." > >All went well for a time. Manka busied herself in her house-keeping and was careful not to interfere in any of the burgomaster's cases. > >Then one day two farmers came to the burgomaster to have a dispute settled. One of the farmers owned a mare which had foaled in the marketplace. The colt had run under the wagon of the other farmer and thereupon the owner of the wagon claimed the colt as his property. > >The burgomaster, who was thinking of something else while the case was being presented, said carelessly: > >"The man who found the colt under his wagon is, of course, the owner of the colt." > >As the owner of the mare was leaving the burgomaster's house, he met Manka and stopped to tell her about the case. Manka was ashamed of her husband for making so foolish a decision and she said to the farmer: > >"Come back this afternoon with a fishing net and stretch it across the dusty road. When the burgomaster sees you he will come out and ask you what you are doing. Say to him that you're catching fish. When he asks you how you can expect to catch fish in a dusty road, tell him it's just as easy for you to catch fish in a dusty road as it is for a wagon to foal. Then he'll see the injustice of his decision and have the colt returned to you. But remember one thing: you mustn't let him find out that it was I who told you to do this." > >That afternoon when the burgomaster chanced to look out the window he saw a man stretching a fishnet across the dusty road. He went out to him and asked: > >"What are you doing?" > >"Fishing." > >"Fishing in a dusty road? Are you daft?" > >"Well," the man said, "it's just as easy for me to catch fish in a dusty road as it is for a wagon to foal." > >Then the burgomaster recognized the man as the owner of the mare and he had to confess that what he said was true. > >"Of course the colt belongs to your mare and must be returned to you. But tell me," he said, "who put you up to this? You didn't think of it yourself." > >The farmer tried not to tell but the burgomaster questioned him until he found out that Manka was at the bottom of it. This made him very angry. He went into the house and called his wife. > >"Manka," he said, "do you forget what I told you would happen if you went interfering in any of my cases? Home you go this very day. I don't care to hear any excuses. The matter is settled. You may take with you the one thing you like best in my house for I won't have people saying that I treated you shabbily." > >Manka made no outcry. > >"Very well, my dear husband, I shall do as you say: I shall go home to my father's cottage and take with me the one thing I like best in your house. But don't make me go until after supper. We have been very happy together and I should like to eat one last meal with you. Let us have no more words but be kind to each other as we've always been and then part as friends." > >The burgomaster agreed to this and Manka prepared a fine supper of all the dishes of which her husband was particularly fond. The burgomaster opened his choicest wine and pledged Manka's health. Then he set to, and the supper was so good that he ate and ate and ate. And the more he ate, the more he drank until at last he grew drowsy and fell sound asleep in his chair. Then without awakening him Manka had him carried out to the wagon that was waiting to take her home to her father. > >The next morning when the burgomaster opened his eyes, he found himself lying in the shepherd's cottage. > >"What does this mean?" he roared out. > >"Nothing, dear husband, nothing!" Manka said. "You know you told me I might take with me the one thing I liked best in your house, so of course I took you! That's all." > >For a moment the burgomaster rubbed his eyes in amazement. Then he laughed loud and heartily to think how Manka had outwitted him. > >"Manka," he said, "you're too clever for me. Come on, my dear, let's go home." > >So they climbed back into the wagon and drove home. > >The burgomaster never again scolded his wife but thereafter whenever a very difficult case came up he always said: > >"I think we had better consult my wife. You know she's a very clever woman."

Stories like this appear in numerous places throughout the world. For example, India has the story of Hiranyakashipu, a king with a boon protecting him from death "by day or by night", "indoors and out", etc. Narasimha, an avatar of Vishnu, finds a way around the riddle. So I might claim that humans find something universally valuable about them.

What in the world does a fairy tale have to do with testing?

Using these notes

If you're reading these notes without having been in lecture: think about these questions first, before you read the answer! If you don't, you'll be robbing yourself of a chance to participate and learn. (The collapsible sections are meant to help you avoid spoilers while you think.)

Don't worry about whether your answer is the same as mine. Especially in 0320, there are often many different good answers, even to technical questions.

Think, then click!

Clever Manka is a boundary condition tale. There is something special about boundary conditions and how they challenge our preconceptions. As testers, we should give boundaries the respect they deserve.

(Are you aware of more mythological or literary settings for this sort of boundary-condition riddle? Share them with Tim!)

Boundary Conditions: Testing and Defensive Programming

Here's an example: "I have tested a positive number, and I have tested a negative number." Surely all numbers are positive or negative. (Is this true?)

Here's another example: "I have tested this function, which accepts a Java Boolean, on both values: true and false." (What's missing?)

Never assume that the obvious partition of the space actually covers the space; be on the lookout for special cases, outliers, and even new dimensions about which to think. This isn't only about testing, either---see, for example, the Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Time. Part of programming defensively is trying to avoid making unnecessary assumptions, while still allowing for extensibility. Keep this in mind as we start to code (and test) together.

Live Coding: Seating Order

You can follow along with today's live coding in this Github repo, in the F24/sep10-seatingsorting directory. Open the pom.xml "as a project" in IntelliJ.

Livecode in class

We will not usually be doing "livecode" from scratch. That would take up too much time. Instead, we'll use this opportunity to practice reading code that exists. Today, I'll be walking you through some design choices I made, some issues, and some useful techniques.

International diplomacy is complicated. Countries host a diplomatic corps of various ambassadors, envoys, etc. from other nations, and there is an elaborate protocol around order of precedence. Who gets the good seats? Who among a group is the one a new arrival will present papers to?

There are historical reasons for all this. Before communication was instantaneous and reliable, ambassadors had significant power to make decisions for their country, and so being an ambassador was a big deal. This isn't a history class, though, so let's focus on the engineering.

Diplomats: Records and Enums

I've written a file, containing a record. I like records for reasons I've recorded in the file:

 * NOTE: records are a modern Java feature that make defining dataclasses convenient.
 * A record is immutable, and toString(), equals(), etc. are automatically defined.
 * If you like Python, this is similar to @dataclass
public record Diplomat(Rank rank, String name) {

     *  (Simplified) ambassadorial ranks c. 1961
     *  See:
    public enum Rank {


Enumerations (enum) are a nice way to limit possibilities. If we'd used numbers or strings as the type of a diplomat's rank, we'd have to worry about what our program would do if someone had a strange rank like -172653 or "242RT#$#GR@@@#". This is an example of defensive programming: we've limited room for unexpected errors.

Speaking of defensive programming, there's one more issue here. Do you see it? (Remember our conversation about null from last time...)

Think, then click!

The value null can be used as a Rank, and so we could create a Diplomat object without a rank. Similarly, we could pass null for their name. We can fix this by adding some validation to the record. Records make this easy via "compact" constructors:

    public Diplomat {
        // Values are initialized by the record infrastructure. But we want extra validation:
        if (rank == null || name == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("A diplomat must have non-null rank and name.");

Notice that there is no () after Diplomat, like you may be used to when defining a contructor of no arguments. The record still initializes its fields—the constructor is defined implicitly. But we get to provide additional computation with this new syntax. In this case, we'll forbid diplomats that lack either a rank or name. This is another kind of defensive programming, because our library isn't meant to work if diplomats have no rank.

Exercise: Make sure you can get this code from the livecode repository. Then make this change (the code is commented out, later in the file). Try creating a nameless or rankless Diplomat in the Main class (i.e., one with null as its name or rank). Print it out.

Determining Order of Precedence

Let's write code that can sort a list of Diplomat objects in their order of diplomatic predecence. Since this isn't a history or international-relations class, we'll simplify things. Let's say that for our fictional country, the order goes in three levels:

  • MINISTER and ENVOY; then

So we'd put an ambassador ahead of a minister, but it would be ok to put a high commissioner above or below an ambassador, since they're at the same tier of ranks.

We're not done though. The order of precedence is complicated by some real-life norms that any real software would need to address. When we come back from the break, we'll look at a small challenge and a bigger challenge.

Design Challenges

Small Challenge: countries may give precedence to Nuncios, at their discretion

Nuncios are ambassadors from the Holy See, that is from the Pope, separately from the country of Vatican City. Some traditionally Catholic countries will always list their nuncio first in any order of precedence.

This means that we need some way of adjusting the comparison used for sorting. Maybe nuncios are before anything else, or maybe they're considered equal to ambassadors. It depends on the country.

Larger challenge: conventions change over time

New titles get added (or removed), treaties get revised, and the world changes. Ideally, we'd like our program to allow countries some flexibility in how they order their diplomats, beyond the nuncio question above.

This means that we probably don't want to write a sort that hard-codes in the above ordering, or even a sort that takes a boolean to resolve the nuncio question. We want a sort that uses the strategy pattern.


A Comparator is an object that implements a compare method that tells a caller whether its two arguments are <, >, or equal. It's one of the most common uses of the strategy pattern in Java, and it's perfect for our needs. I wrote a PrecedenceComparator below. I've left comments that touch on some of the features used, and raise some design questions we'll go over in lecture.


import java.util.Comparator;

// Avoid the need to precede ranks with "Diplomat.Rank."

 * Comparator that implements the order of precedence for members of a diplomatic corps.
 * This can determine (e.g.) seating order, or who among a group is spoken to first.
 * The rules vary by country, and this isn't a faithful implementation; don't use this code
 * to seat real diplomats at a real banquet!

public class PrecedenceComparator implements Comparator<Diplomat> {

     * If present, a diplomatic rank to always give precedence over others.
     * NOTE: We could have just used "null" to represent the case where this isn't present.
     *   What are the plusses and minuses of this design choice?
     *   Could it be that there are multiple "OK" answers?
    private final Rank givePrecedence;

     *  Create an order of precedence where a certain diplomatic rank is given precedence over all others.
     *  When this rank is not involved, the standard precedence is used.
     *  Real world example:
     *  According to the Vienna Convention, nuncios (ecclesiastical diplomats from the Holy See), have equal
     *  rank to ambassadors. However, the host country is allowed to grant seniority to a nuncio over others.
     * @param givePrecedence diplomatic title that should always be treated as senior
    public PrecedenceComparator(Diplomat.RANK givePrecedence) {
        if(givePrecedence == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("givePrecedence field of 1-argument constructor must be non-null; use" +
                    " the 0-argument constructor to not automatically prefer any rank.");
        this.givePrecedence = givePrecedence;

     * Create an order of precedence where the standard precedence is used.
     * NOTE: we may come to regret using null for this.
    public PrecedenceComparator() {
        this.givePrecedence = null;

    public int compare(Diplomat o1, Diplomat o2) {
        // By documentation (see mouseover): Negative if o1 < o2; zero if o1 == o2; positive if o1 > o2
        //   the sign of compare(x,y) must be the same as compare(y,x), and compare must be transitive.

        if(o1.rank() == this.givePrecedence) return -1;
        if(o2.rank() == this.givePrecedence) return 1;

        // NOTE: I personally like Java 17's pattern-matching switch expressions for these situations.
        // I find them easier to read than complicated if-statements, and I will get a warning if I don't give a case
        // for every possibile enum value. That means I can *LEAVE OUT* the "default" case and trust the compiler to
        // warn me if I ever add a new value to this enum. "Default" cases check at runtime, and can lie around for
        // years and cause subtle bugs when new values get added.

        return switch(o1.rank()) {
                    switch(o2.rank()) {
                        case NUNCIO, AMBASSADOR, HIGH_COMMISSIONER -> 0;
                        case ENVOY, MINISTER, CHARGE_DAFFAIRES -> -1;
            case MINISTER, ENVOY ->
                    switch(o2.rank()) {
                        case NUNCIO, AMBASSADOR, HIGH_COMMISSIONER -> 1;
                        case ENVOY, MINISTER -> 0;
                        case CHARGE_DAFFAIRES -> -1;
            case CHARGE_DAFFAIRES ->
                    switch(o2.rank()) {
                        case CHARGE_DAFFAIRES -> 0;

I've also written a little sorting algorithm of my own. The method takes the list to sort and a comparator.

Exercise: what happens if we allow Diplomat object with null rank? Do we get a noisy failure, or a silent failure?

Making Diplomat Resilient

It's both! There's a noisy failure for one constructor, and silent failure for the other---where the null-ranked Diplomat gets precedence!

Let's inject a check into the constructor of Diplomat. That's a better place for it.

 * Define the constructor ourselves (don't use the one that "record" gives
 * us) so that we can validate input values. This is called a *compact*
 * constructor, and works only for records. Note that it's _not_ the same
 * as a 0-argument constructor Diplomat().
//    public Diplomat {
//        // Values are initialized by the record infrastructure. But we want extra validation:
//        if (rank == null || name == null)
//            throw new IllegalArgumentException("A diplomat must have non-null rank and name.");
//    }

There are other things we could (or should) do, too. For example, making our comparator not treat a lack of precedence rank the same as giving predecence to null.

That went by pretty quickly---clone or pull the livecode repository, and try this out!

Testing Sorting

I've got a JUnit test class written to test my sorting method. Note that we're not testing sorting of diplomats yet. That would tangle the functionality of the two methods. Instead, let's try to focus on testing my implementation of bubblesort.


import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

 * Test the bubble-sort implementation in the Sorts class.
 * Note that we are *NOT* testing how bubble sort works with the diplomatic ordering.
 * Instead, we'll just use the natural ordering that exists on naturally comparable objects.
public class TestSorts {

    public void testBubbleEmpty() {
        List<Integer> lst = new ArrayList<>(List.of());
        // NOTE: Comparator.naturalOrder() saves us from having to write a comparator strategy for integers.
        // If you mouse over it, you'll see a fairly complex generic type. We'll cover that in a future class.
        Sorts.bubbleSort(lst, Comparator.naturalOrder());
        assertEquals(0, lst.size());

    // NOTE: Run "with coverage" to see line-coverage info.
    // Are there any pieces of the code that I haven't yet exercised?
    // (We're looking for at least 50% line coverage for this sprint, but
    //  only for *your* classes, not the kd-tree stuff.)

If we run this, all tests pass.

But do you notice something missing about the test suite? Is there important stuff I'm not exercising (keeping in mind we're interested only in the sort so far, not in the diplomat comparator.) We can get a hint by running with coverage. (You might need to run once without coverage before this option is enabled.)

Here's the result:

Notice the 20% under "line" coverage. My suite has only exercises a fifth of the lines in the package. Since this contains only my sorting method, I'm worried---the method's hardly being tested at all! If we click into the method, we'll see green and red bars shown to the left of the code:

We've only tested the empty list input, and so none of those later lines ran at all. We should fix this.

Exercise: Add a test of your own!

Let's add this test:

    public void testBubbleFiveDifferentReverse() {
        List<Integer> lst = new ArrayList<>(List.of(5,4,3,2,1));
        // NOTE: Comparator.naturalOrder() saves us from having to write a comparator strategy for integers.
        // If you mouse over it, you'll see a fairly complex generic type. We'll cover that in a future class.
        Sorts.bubbleSort(lst, Comparator.naturalOrder());
        assertEquals(List.of(1,2,3,4,5), lst);

Unfortunately, this test fails. We do get up to 60% coverage, though. (We're looking for at least 50% from you on this sprint.)

Expected :[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Actual   :[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Our sorting code seems to be sorting in reverse order, rather than increasing order. Let's write another test to help us triangulate the behavior.

    public void testBubbleFiveMixedOneDuplicate() {
        List<Integer> lst = new ArrayList<>(List.of(5,1,3,2,3));
        // NOTE: Comparator.naturalOrder() saves us from having to write a comparator strategy for integers.
        // If you mouse over it, you'll see a fairly complex generic type. We'll cover that in a future class.
        Sorts.bubbleSort(lst, Comparator.naturalOrder());
        assertEquals(List.of(1,2,3,3,5), lst);

Notice how we've slowly widened the scope of assumptions we're violating in the tests. First, we pass something non-sorted, and then we pass something with duplicates and partial sortedness. We're now at 100% line coverage! Unfortunately, the result is even more confusing. My method is not sorting in reverse order; it's just plain wrong:

Expected :[1, 2, 3, 3, 5]
Actual   :[5, 3, 3, 3, 3]

Debugging: Breadth-First vs. Depth-First

Good debugging involves balancing two equally important instincts:

  • breadth-first exploration to rule out potential causes and maintain productive focus; and
  • depth-first exploration, narrowly focused on a specific idea about the cause.

If you skip to depth-first too quickly, you may waste a lot of time. Our debugging recipe is meant to scaffold this process. Let's follow it in this case.

What Do We Know?

I'm trying to write an implementation of bubblesort. It should sort the given list in increasing order, according to the comparator provided.

Run testBubbleFiveMixedOneDuplicate to reproduce the bug.

Expected :[1, 2, 3, 3, 5]
Actual   :[5, 3, 3, 3, 3]

This is wrong because the 2 and 1 are both dropped from the input list.

What Computational Steps Happen?

  • The input list [5,1,3,2,3] is created
  • The input list is passed to bubbleSort along with the natural ordering (increasing) for integers.
  • The sorting method loops through every index of the list (ii)
  • then it loops through every index greater than ii (jj)
  • If the value at ii is greater than the value at jj, the values are swapped in the list.
  • The list is modified in-place, so there's no return value.


Either my expectations are wrong, or my story is. In this case, I'm pretty sure the sort is modifying the list incorrectly---the result needs to include all the same elements! So there's a problem with my story somewhere. Either one of the steps isn't true, or one of the steps is not detailed enough to be untrue. Let's run some experiments!

Is the correct input list being received by bubbleSort?

We'll test this via System.out.println. Looks correct. We can now ignore the possibility that the list isn't created properly, or isn't be passed correctly.

Is the loop working as expected?

We'll test this via System.out.println, too. Looks correct: we see ii increasing and jj starting and stopping at the correct indexes.

Is the swap working as expected?

We'll test this via System.out.println, too. But something's going wrong: we don't see the value at ii preserved by the swap. We now have a more specific location for the bug.

Fixing The Bug

At this point, we know which lines of code to focus on. We can step through them with a debugger or with more print statements, to discover how to fix the issue.

Some Notes

I've been programming a long time and I still catch myself failing to follow the debugging recipe. I think I know what's going on and I turn out to be wrong, and spend a lot of time deep-diving into a location that isn't actually the source of the issue. In fact, last year I was working on a demo for React programming, and spent 2 hours debugging something (the wrong thing) because I jumped ahead before thinking carefully.

User Interfaces, Testing More Than Methods

Ice Breaker

The collaboration policy we have can sometimes be difficult to follow, or trust. So let's break the ice. Turn to your neighbor and show them what you have for Sprint 1.1 so far.


We need to be both professional and understanding about this sort of thing. Also, keep in mind that quite a few students are joining the class late, etc. So if someone doesn't have much yet, be positive. The point is to fight the social tension against sharing code in this class.


Make sure you're up to date on reading Ed announcements. Please fill out the new collab-section form by tomorrow night. We want to make sure we can take everyone's preferences into account.

Make an override request if you haven't already. I may have a couple seats.

Feedback Sheet

We'll look over the feedback sheet. See the lecture capture for that; notes aren't a great medium for it.

User Interfaces

In the next Sprint, 1.2, you'll be creating a user interface. Admittedly, it might not be what you associate with the term. It's "just" a command-line application which you'll run at your terminal prompt, meant to search the CSV files you've been parsing. For many of you, this may be the first time you've created such a thing.

Exercise: what makes a good user interface?

Think, then click!

Whatever the user needs. If you can drive a car, imagine how many iterations it took to get the steering wheel right. Yes, that's a user interface. In class, I'll be passing around a slide rule—something most of us think of as an archaic tool for engineers from a bygone era. But it, too, was a carefully designed user interface: slide rules allowed a skilled user to make sophisticated calculations.

I'm not a skilled user. But I still think they're interesting.

The point is: don't limit your view of what a user interface can be. From a certain point of view, even a programing language itself is a user interface.

Testing User Interfaces

Engineers test everything they can, within the bounds of their budget and time constraints. So if we're making a user interface, we ought to be able to test that interface. But how?

If you took 0150, most of your projects had a graphical user interface. Did you test your projects? You might initially say "no", because (at least, at time of writing this) 0150 doesn't spend a lot of time on unit testing the way some other intro courses do. But I'd argue that 0150 students perhaps test more than students in any other intro course. You're just doing it manually.

Manual testing has its place, but it's not cost effective. So we'll strive to automate our tests, even the ones that manipulate a user interface.

Testing a Console Application

A command-line application takes input from the keyboard and prints output to the screen.

Exercise: How do you think you could test a command-line application automatically?

Think, then click!

One approach would be to write a "wrapper" application that runs the program, sends actual keystroke signals, and monitors the actual screen output. It's possible to do this, usually via a shell script or other program whose first action is to run the program under test as a "child" process.

We could also do everything in a JUnit class, and overwrite, System.out, and System.err. These are just objects like any other, and the System class exposes them for our use whenever we want to print output or write input. We can't directly overwrite them, but the Java API provides a way to replace them with new objects of the same type.

Both of the above techniques have their place. But they're single-taskers, and if I'm going to spend lecture time on a technique for testing UIs, I want a multi-tasker—something that will be useful again and again for many different engineering problems. And we'll invent it together, by combining two different "big ideas".

Idea 1: Mocking Interactions

Exercise: How do you know you aren't a brain in a jar right now? That is, are you sure you're in class (or in your room, reading these notes), and not hooked up, Matrix-style, to a system that is sending you manufactured sense inputs and receiving the outputs of your nerves?

There's no hidden answer for this exercise, because it's a deep question. If you really want to explore these issues literally, there are many excellent philosophy and cognitive-science courses at Brown. Take one!

The real exercise is this. Why is this thought-experiment important in software engineering?

Let's run with the idea. Suppose we created fake (or "mock") versions of, System.out, and System.err. We can do this; we just need to know a little bit about the types of those objects and how to make mocking them convenient.

The code is available.

You can find the end result of all this in the livecode repository, under vignettes/mocking_input_output.

The initial application is the BasicCommandProcessor class. The modified, final version is the CommandProcessor class. Note how it interacts with the corresponding JUnit test class.

We'll start with a simple, toy command-line application. All it does is read data from input and match against hard-coded commands. (We can do a lot better than this, but that's a topic for another time.) Here's the pertinent part of its code:

public void run() {
    // This is a "try with resources"; the resource will automatically
    // be closed if necessary. Prefer this over finally blocks.
    // See:
    try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))) {
        String input;
        while ((input = br.readLine()) != null) {
            if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("EXIT")) {
            } else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("HI")) {
            } else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("GREETINGS")) {
                System.out.println("Delightful to meet you, I'm sure.");
            } else {
                System.err.println("ERROR: Invalid command.");
                // Keep running, though!
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        System.err.println("ERROR: Error reading input.");
        System.exit(1); // exit with error status

This code uses, etc. directly. But let's set that aside for now. How can we make "fake" input and output objects? By creating what's called a pipe, a stream with two sides. In place of we want a pipe where:

  • one side can accept text from our test method; and
  • the other side acts indistinguishably from the actual In place of System.out and System.err, we want a pipe where:
  • one side acts indistinguishably from System.out; and
  • the other side lets our text method read from it.

Doing this requires a bit of careful weaving objects together, but here's how we can create the mock

// This is an *output* stream from the *caller's* perspective...
PipedOutputStream out = new PipedOutputStream();
// ...but an *input* stream from the *callee's* perspective. Connect them!
PipedInputStream in = new PipedInputStream(out);
OutputStreamWriter keyboard = new OutputStreamWriter(out, UTF_8);

The keyboard object can accept input just like System.out can. But, because we've connected it to the out object in its constructor, and out is connected to in, anything we write to keyboard can be read from in. The fake System.out and work similarly (see the repository for the code).

There are a couple potential snags. I'll list them in order of anticipated increasing annoyance for you:

  • You need to remember to call keyboard.flush() after writing text to it, or it won't be visible immediately on the other side of the pipe.
  • You need to remember to send line-separators! Our application reads lines, and if you don't send a complete line... the application may wait forever. Just use System.lineSeparator() for this.
  • You probably wonder where these strange classes came from. Or rather, where did I learn about them? Am I just a magical Java wizard? Well, maybe, but in this case I got them from Copilot. Learning how to do obscure things in very common languages is a great application for generative AI. If there's a big problem, I find out right away and refine my prompt. If there's a small problem (there's at least one, and there might be more!) I'm only using this to prototype testing my UI.

Lacking a diagram...

Ideally there would be an image here, diagramming how the pipes are connected. But the word pipe really is well-chosen. Follow the flow of object names in the above 3 lines, and if you wonder how it all works, try experimenting in the livecode repository; that's what it's for!

One question remains. How do we actually make sure these mock objects are used by the application?

Dependency Injection

Consider what you are doing for Sprint 1.1: your parser constructor takes a strategy object that tells the parser how to post-process each row. In essence, the parser has a "hole" in it: it doesn't actually know how to do this post-processing. That makes the parser simpler to write, and allows another developer to configure the parser fairly deeply when creating it. Maybe we can build on that idea, here.

More concretely, what if the strategy object provided to the application wasn't just a method for creating data, like in Sprint 1.1, or a method for ordering objects, like the comparators in the last class, but our mock objects? That is, what if creating the application went from this:

BasicCommandProcessor proc = new BasicCommandProcessor();

to something like this:

CommandProcessor proc = new CommandProcessor(mockIn, mockOut, mockErr);

We could then save these objects like any other field, and use them in place of the originals. For example, instead of

System.err.println("ERROR: Error reading input.");

we could write:

mockErr.println("ERROR: Error reading input.");

It turns out this works perfectly. We just have to remember to inject the right dependencies:

  • For a real application interacting with a real user, we'll pass in the actual Java objects, etc.
  • When in our test class, we'll create and pass in mocked versions. and to very carefully pre-arrange our input and process our output. Here's code from an example test case in the repository. Notice how we need to print the input commands before running, and we need to make sure to end with exit—or else the application will never stop, and we'll never be able to reach the assertions!
// Once we start the application, this test method will be unable to add anything else. So we must pre-populate
// a fixed series of commands. Then run the application.

// Now read from the output and error streams, line by line. But: be careful. If we call readLine() for one of
// the streams and there's nothing there, the program will freeze, because the call will *wait* for something
// to appear in the stream... and that will not happen. So we test before every line we ready to make sure the
// stream has something for us first. (This is a way to protect us from a buggy _test method_.)
// To see why this is important, try commenting out one of the commands above!
String out1 = mockOut.terminal().readLine();
String out2 = mockOut.terminal().readLine();
String err1 = mockErr.terminal().readLine();

assertEquals("Hi!", out1);
assertEquals("Delightful to meet you, I'm sure.", out2);
assertEquals("ERROR: Invalid command.", err1);

I strongly encourage you to experiment with this example for yourself. Keep in mind the above warnings: sending a newline character, always stopping the application as the last command queued up, etc. It's easy to get this wrong at first, and that's OK. Debug with print statements (versus the real System.out since you'll be in a test method) and diagnose where the problem is happening.

There's a third big idea, which we'll get to soon, called threads. Threads will solve many of these problems and make the technique even more powerful.

Why the name 'dependency injection'?

The object being provided in the constructor is a dependency: the class needs it to function. And the object isn't created in that class, but rather passed in ("injected") from outside.

sp24.3: Equality in Java, Contracts



If you haven't cloned the livecode repo, you need to do so NOW. Once you've cloned it, just run git pull in the repository before class, and you'll get my updates. Change anything you want; you don't have permission to push, so you can't ever mess up. Just re-clone and start over if needed!

Opening a Maven Project in IntelliJ

Make sure you open the pom.xml file, not the directory. If you don't do this, IntelliJ will create a project without Maven. You want it to be aware that this is a Maven project so it will automatically obtain dependencies.

Today's Testing Lesson: Representation vs. Domain

Back in 2019, engineers at Apple had to deal with a major security bug in Facetime, the video-chat app that many iOS users use. It seems to have been reported earliest on Twitter, but Apple didn't immediately (appear to) take the problem seriously. This isn't a class on PR or management, so we won't follow that line of discussion much further.

The bug worked like this: suppose you wanted to spy on one of your Facetime contacts. You could start a video call with that contact, and then use "add a person" to invite your own number to the call. Now, even though your contact would see the invite, their microphone would be on, and sending you everything. It turns out that, depending on whether and how the contact dismissed the call, their video could end up on as well!


How did Apple miss this? We don't know, but we can speculate on the kinds of tests they didn't have in place.

Suppose that you were responsible for testing "add a person" in an app like Facetime. Concretely, you might try to add any arbitrary phone number. What kinds of phone-number inputs should you test? Keep in mind both the domain and boundary conditions.

Think, then click!
  • toll-free numbers;
  • premium numbers (there are scams that trick people into dialing these);
  • the operator (0);
  • emergency services (are these always the same in every country?);
  • information and other special services;
  • reserved phone numbers;
  • in the U.S., same exchange vs. same area code vs. long-distance;
  • local numbers outside the U.S. standard format;
  • international connections; and even
  • this device's number!

Again, this list isn't anywhere near exhaustive. But do you notice something important here?

Think, then click! The inputs are numbers, and so if they happen to be represented internally as a number, you should also test the usual things you'd test for numbers (zero, something positive, MAXINT, ...). If they are represented as a String, perhaps there are similar things to test.

But the added domain, that is, the fact that these are phone numbers, adds a lot more structure to the problem that you should exploit when writing tests.

Don't forget that your inputs have both an internal representation and a domain-specific meaning. Keep both in mind while you're testing.

Now I'd like to do some live-coding!

Equality in Java, Contracts

One of the first things you should do when learning a new programming language is figure out the rules of equality. Many languages even have multiple notions of equality (e.g., == vs. equals in Java, or == vs. === in TypeScript).

Today we're going to dive into a few reasons why equality is complex in Java. The lessons here will affect work you do in future sprints, especially where defensive programming is concerned.

Start by pulling the livecode repository, and opening the S24/feb01-equality/pom.xml file as a project in IntelliJ.

Reviewing Equality in Java (with some new insights)

Let's proceed with a series of experiments. We'll record them in the Main class, so we can see the demo progressing. Each of these blocks can go in its own method, or we can just paste each into main. To make this easier to follow, I've defined a helper method called print.

String Equality

String s1 = "hi";
String s2 = "hi";
print("s1 == s2", s1 == s2);

IntelliJ complains about this, telling us to use .equals to compare Strings. But why? == seems to work fine in this example.

Both strings here are "literals": they're given to the compiler as part of the source code, directly. What if we tried constructing some strings?

String h = "h";
String i = "i";
String hi = h + i;
print("s1 == hi", s1 == hi);

What's going on? The JVM automatically ensures there is only ever one copy of any string literal in memory. A string literal is a quote-delimited string constant like "hi", "h", and "i" above. So the variables s1 and s2 refer to the same object in memory, because of this hidden work by the JVM.

But the String object that hi refers to is constructed from two string literals; it is not itself a string literal. Put another way, the String object that hi refers to comes from computation, rather than just being a constant in this source file. It's a different object, and so it's not == to s1.

Lesson: It's just not safe to compare Java strings using ==, because the JVM can and will allow multiple equivalent strings to exist simultaneously, and == checks whether the objects are the same object. Fortunately, .equals gives us what we need automatically:

print("s1.equals(hi)", s1.equals(hi));

This is because the String class in Java defines its own equals method that checks for equivalent contents, rather than identical objects.

Here's an example I like using. I've got a copy of Effective Java in my office. Suppose I ask you the question: "Do you have this book?" To answer, you need to know what I mean:

  • do I just want to make sure you have an equivalent book---same title, same author, edition, etc.?
  • do I want to make sure you give me back the book I've lent you?

One of these is best implemented via .equals in a Book class that implements it. The other, where I'm really interested in this book, we would use ==.

Integer Equality

Types like int are primitive in Java; they aren't objects. This means we can compare primitive types, like int, using == safely:

int five = 5;
int six = 6;
int elevenA = five + six;
int elevenB = 11;
// 11 is always 11
print("elevenA == elevenB", elevenA == elevenB);

This becomes more complicated for "wrapper" classes, like Integer. IntelliJ will complain about this also, but it's useful as a demonstration:

Integer fiveI = Integer.valueOf(5);
Integer sixI = Integer.valueOf(6);
Integer elevenObjectA = fiveI + sixI;
Integer elevenObjectB = Integer.valueOf(11);
print("elevenObjectA == elevenObjectB", elevenObjectA == elevenObjectB);

What do you think might be happening here?

Think, then click!

These are == because the JVM does another hidden thing: for values between -128 and 127 inclusive, Integer.valueOf(v) always returns a single canonical Integer object reference. Even if we switch to implicit conversion, and write something like Integer fiveI = 5, this calls Integer.valueOf under the hood.

To see this in effect, let's change the values:

Integer twoHundredObject = Integer.valueOf(200);
Integer twoHundredElevenObjectA = twoHundredObject + elevenObjectA;
Integer twoHundredElevenObjectB = Integer.valueOf(211);
print("twoHundredElevenObjectA == twoHundredElevenObjectB", twoHundredElevenObjectA == twoHundredElevenObjectB);

And, again, .equals gives us what we need, because it's been defined by the Integer wrapper class:

print("twoHundredElevenObjectA.equals(twoHundredElevenObjectB)", twoHundredElevenObjectA.equals(twoHundredElevenObjectB));

Don't confuse the primitive datatypes with their wrapper classes. You'll often need to use wrappers---e.g., if you want a Map with integer keys and values, you'll need to use Map<Integer, Integer>; Map<int,int> won't work. The Map interface is defined in terms of objects!

What Can Go Wrong: Lists Example

Let's say we have a class meant to store X-Y coordinates:

 * A point in 2-dimensional space.
public class Point {
    final double x;
    final double y;

    public Point(double x, double y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public double x() { return x; }
    public double y() { return y; }

Notice that we haven't overridden equals in this class. The method will still be defined, but it will come from the parent class: Object. Thus, because equals is doing object comparison, two different Point objects containing identical data aren't `==``:

Point originA = new Point(0, 0);
Point originB = new Point(0, 0);
print("originA == originB", originA == originB);

We can write code that checks all their fields---assuming they're accessible, either directly or via getters:

print("originA vs. originB fields", originA.x() == originB.x() && originA.y() == originB.y());

This becomes a huge bother when there are many fields, and it relies on their values being accessible, reliable, consistent, etc. Worse, many built-in data structures rely on equals to decide (among other things) membership:

List<Point> points = List.of(originA);
// They are different objects! originB *isn't in the set*.
print("points.contains(originB)", points.contains(originB));

Collections like List tend to use .equal, not ==, but because we didn't override equal, the data structure ends up using object equality anyway.

Ok, so let's make a new class, PointWithEquals, that actually overrides the equal method:

PointWithEquals originC = new PointWithEquals(0, 0);
PointWithEquals originD = new PointWithEquals(0, 0);

// Now that we've defined .equals() properly...
print("originD.equals(originC)", originD.equals(originC));
List<PointWithEquals> betterPoints = List.of(originC);
print("betterPoints.contains(originD)", betterPoints.contains(originD));

What Can Go Wrong: Sets and Maps Example

Let's try to use this new, more robust class---except with a HashSet this time:

Set<PointWithEquals> betterPoints = new HashSet<>();
PointWithEquals originC = new PointWithEquals(0, 0);
PointWithEquals originD = new PointWithEquals(0, 0);
print("betterPoints.contains(originD)", betterPoints.contains(originD));

Why is this HashMap returning false, when the List in the previous example returned true? Let's investigate...

System.out.println("betterPoints.size(): "+betterPoints.size());

The set is treating them as different objects, even though they are .equal! What's going on?

Think, then click!

Checking for membership in a HashSet happens in two stages:

  • what is in the set with the same hash value as the object we're searching for?
  • are any of them .equals to the object we're searching for?

We didn't redefine hashCode for our second point class, just equals.

If we make a third class, PointWithBoth, that overrides both methods, the set will report the results we expect:

Set<PointWithBoth> evenBetterPoints = new HashSet<>();
PointWithBoth originE = new PointWithBoth(0, 0);
PointWithBoth originF = new PointWithBoth(0, 0);
print("evenBetterPoints.contains(originF)", evenBetterPoints.contains(originF));

What Makes An equals() Method "Good"?

Consider the (IntelliJ-generated!) methods in the 2nd and 3rd point classes. How do we know they are correct? What could have gone wrong? In short: what do you think should be true of any equals method we write?

Here's one example to get us started: a.equals(a) should return true for any object a. What else is there?

Rather than trusting me to get it right, let's go straight to the authority. Open up the JavaDocs for Object.equals in Java. You'll see:

The equals method implements an equivalence relation on non-null object references:

It is reflexive: for any non-null reference value x, x.equals(x) should return true. It is symmetric: for any non-null reference values x and y, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true. It is transitive: for any non-null reference values x, y, and z, if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should return true. It is consistent: for any non-null reference values x and y, multiple invocations of x.equals(y) consistently return true or consistently return false, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the objects is modified. For any non-null reference value x, x.equals(null) should return false. The equals method for class Object implements the most discriminating possible equivalence relation on objects; that is, for any non-null reference values x and y, this method returns true if and only if x and y refer to the same object (x == y has the value true).

Note that it is generally necessary to override the hashCode method whenever this method is overridden, so as to maintain the general contract for the hashCode method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.

This is called a contract on the method. The documentation for Object is saying: if you extend this class, and you wrote your own equals method, you'd better make sure the following is true.

Exercise: try to come up with a situation where breaking one of these requirements would result in buggy behavior. You may use built-in data structures for these examples, or not, as you wish.


Java's records automatically define equals and hashCode for you---assuming that you wanted all fields of the record to be included in calculating these. This is one of many ways they are convenient. (Unfortunately, you can't have a record extend another to add more fields.)

Documenting the expectations you have for anyone using, or extending, your classes is not just best practice; it will save real time and frustration. Similarly, be willing to glance at the documentation for methods you're using---you might be surprised what you find.

All of this will be important for how we evaluate your work in future sprints.

Proxies and Adapters

Today we'll cover some topics in defensive programming and introduce the proxy pattern. I will actually be live-coding this, so there may not be anything in the class-livecode repository to begin with. But I'll push the code we end up with after class.

In-class exercises are coming soon!

Today is the last day of shopping period. Some classes will contain exercises in various forms, and some may become "flipped", especially as the semester progresses.


If you write code someone else uses, there is an implicit agreement between you. They provide your code with something. You give them something back. In both directions, there is an obligation. You might tell them:

"The constructor of my TAHours class should take an instance of an object implementing the Iterator<Student> interface.

At a high level, that's an obligation on their part. They need to make sure the object they pass obeys that criterion. Fortunately, for this kind of obligation, Java's type system suffices to enforce it.

But you might also say:

"At any point at which at least one TA is free, the next student in the given iterator will be dispatched to one of those TAs before any other student is dispatched."

That's an obligation on your part. And this time, the obligation is also a bit too subtle for Java's type system.

These sorts of contracts are everywhere in engineering, and software engineering is no exception. If you can't rely on your caller to conform to your preconditions, unspecified behavior might be, in principle at least, their fault. But if they can't rely on your code to provide what it promises, it's definitely your fault. And if they don't know what to provide, or what to expect, that's also your fault—who trusts code that isn't clear about its job and what it needs to do it?

Often, these guarantees can be enforced by the type system. The stronger the type system, the more these contracts can be checked before runtime. This is why Java generics were such a big win: mismatches in expectations could be found out early.

Similarly, this is why interfaces are so important. Every time you implement an interface, you are working to conform to the preconditions of some library. They say: "Give me a Comparator<T> and I'll sort that list of T," so you'd better implement Comparator<T>.

But not every precondition or postcondition can be checked by the type system—at least, not in most languages, and certainly not in Java, Python, Typescript, and other languages you'll use in this class. Good code should still try to detect violations of its expectations early, and notify the caller about that violation in some useful way. Just saying "Oops, LOL, I guess you gave me invalid input shrug emoji" may be fair, but it's not going to make you feel better when your boss calls you to ask why Google Maps is down, or an airplane crashed, or some other consequence happened.

Writing code that is safe from bugs requires being more professional, and thinking critically about things like:

  • potential ways that a caller might violate your preconditions;
  • potential ways that a caller might modify data unexpectedly;
  • potential exceptions that code you call might throw, or other error conditions from that code;
  • and much more.

Adversarial Thinking

You might hear these ideas discussed under "adversarial thinking". But keep in mind that most issues won't be malicious; probably they will just be honest mistakes. Nevertheless, it can be useful to imagine how your code might defend itself against an adversarial caller (or dependency) that is trying to exploit it. That leads into the security mindset, which we'll talk more about later in the semester.

Defensive Programming

Let's write a class whose job is to coordinate TA hours for a big course. There's a central signup queue (which will be provided to our class) from which we'll dispatch students to available TAs. We've already got Student and TA classes defined elsewhere, and they do what you'd expect.

public class HoursDispatcher {
    Iterator<Student> queue;
    Map<TA, Integer> minutesLeft;

    HoursDispatcher(Iterator<Student> signups, String statusMessage) {
        this.queue = signups;
        this.statusMessage = statusMessage;

    void addTA(TA ta, int minutes) {
        minutesLeft.put(ta, minutes);

Remember: someone is going to use this library we're writing. Got any concerns?

  • The fields should be private?
  • Some of the fields should be final?

Ok, let's make those changes, and continue iterating.

Click to see diagram

Dispatcher 1

Keywords: private and final

There are a few problems we might notice as we go. First, neither private nor final always protect you. Let's look very closely at one example: our minutesLeft field. We can make it final to prevent it from being modified—but it is the field itself whose value cannot be modified. That is, we cannot make the field point to a different object after we've assigned one. The final keyword doesn't stop someone from calling (e.g.) minutesLeft.put() themselves. That is:

The reference to the object is protected, but the object remains mutable!

We can make the field private, but then nobody can see the current state of the TA pool. It's reasonable to imagine that's bad; in real applications we often want to expose a view of some piece of state while disallowing modifications of that view.

Defensive Copying

A common technique is called a defensive copy: we'll just make a getter method that returns a copy of the Map:

    public Map<TA, Integer> getMinutesLeft() {
        // Defensive copy
        return new HashMap<>(minutesLeft);        

Click to see diagram

Dispatcher 2

In general, this technique is very useful! (Bloch mentions it in Effective Java.) In this case, however, it might not be perfect for our needs.

  • The minutesLeft field is mutable by design: we need to update the TA pool! The new object provided by a defensive copy won't update, its contents are set at the time it's created. So it's useful at first, but the caller will need to re-call the method when they want to update their view.
  • Whenever someone calls this method, we're manufacturing new objects that are supposed to represent the state of the queue, but different objects will disagree with each other. There is no guarantee of consistency between what different callers will see.

We can make progress on fixing both of these. Maybe we keep a canonical copy around:

    private Map<TA, Integer> public_view_minutesLeft;
    public Map<TA, Integer> getMinutesLeft() {
        // Canonical defensive copy
        if(public_view_minutesLeft == null)
            public_view_minutesLeft = new HashMap<>(minutesLeft);
        return public_view_minutesLeft;

But this doesn't solve the unchanging-view problem. In fact, it makes the issue worse: the view is set once by the first call, and never changes, even if someone re-calls the method! This is fixable by checking whether public_view_minutesLeft has fallen behind minutesLeft, but even then those who called the method before won't have their references updated. We'd ideally like something reactive: think Google Sheets or Excel, where the value for a formula automatically updates when its dependencies do.

Reactive Languages

This is a larger topic than we can cover here, but for now, expect us to come back to reactivity. It's useful in many settings, especially user interfaces.

This solution is still moving in the right direction. We could certainly update the canonical copy object, rather than creating a new one. But then we've got another problem: any caller could call the .put() method of their canonical copy, and everyone has the same canonical copy. So one caller could taint the data another caller sees. Thus, we need to enforce immutability on the canonical copy. It turns out that Java's standard library has a convenient way to do this.

Before we move to the next version of our class, let's step back and discuss a few important side topics.

How do we tell our caller what to expect? The types say part of that, but they aren't enough on their own. For everything else, we need to write documentation. Note that this is very different from "code comments". Code comments help a developer understand your code. In contrast, documentation is a kind of specification: you're communicating to someone what your code does, and what it needs, without them needing to understand the code itself.

Documentation is thus much more important than code comments, and code comments are pretty important.

Defensive programming isn't just about protecting your own code from someone else's bugs, it's also about protecting others from themselves, you, their other dependencies, and your own dependencies. It's always good to ask yourself, for every place your class is obtaining data, what does a consistent state look like? That is, what properties define a good state for the class...

For example, we should probably do something coherent in case our caller registers a TA with a negative amount of time available. This sounds like a job for exceptions.

Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions

You might have noticed that some exceptions get declared for methods that use them, and other don't. Take a look at the Javadoc for NullPointerException. Since these can happen unexpectedly, it wouldn't be very ergonomic to ask programmers to write a throws declaration for them. Hence, these exceptions are unchecked: the type system won't (usually) consider them. Unchecked exceptions are those that descend from RuntimeException (like null pointer exceptions) or from Error (which is a category usually reserved for errors that are so bad that most applications shouldn't try to catch and handle them, like internal JVM inconsistencies under which all bets are off).

Usually you'll be communicating with your caller (and callee) via checked exceptions. But not always. A common situation is when a caller provides an argument that is invalid: the type is correct, but some other important criterion has failed. Often, the first choice is to throw the unchecked IllegalArgumentException. This isn't a "stop everything, the world is broken" Error, and your caller can try to recover from it or not. But because this is an unchecked exception, they might not even think to catch it; they won't if you don't tell them it's a possibility. Thus, it is absolutely vital that you document if you intentionally throw this exception in your documentation!


Re-read that last sentence. If you throw unchecked exceptions, you must tell your caller about it via documentation. There's no protection from the type system, and they may be taken by surprise.

This doesn't mean that unchecked exceptions are bad; sometimes they are very useful. But remember to communicate with others using your code.

Another option is to define our own, custom, checked Exception class. We'd then have to declare it in a throws clause. Custom exceptions are great if you want to pass back more context that's related to your method. Imagine what information you could give that would be helpful to your caller in:

  • debugging; or
  • sending high-quality error messages to end users.

Remember that a string alone isn't a great way to send back useful information. A person may be able to read it, but if they want to do something more programmatic, they need to parse it. Don't make them do this! If the exception happened for complicated reasons (or maybe even if it didn't) make a custom exception that includes fields related to the problem, and document them.

A Clever Fix: Unmodifiable Maps

Let's go back to the defensive-programing problem we observed earlier.

Java's library provides a useful tool: Collections.unmodifiableMap. This static method accepts a Map and produces an object that also implements the Map interface, but disallows modification. So we could replace the body of getMinutesLeft() with:

    private Map<TA, Integer> unmodifiable_minutesLeft;
    public Map<TA, Integer> getMinutesLeft1() {    
        if(unmodifiable_minutesLeft == null) {
            unmodifiable_minutesLeft =
        return unmodifiable_minutesLeft;

As stated in the Javadoc for this method, it:

Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified map. Query operations on the returned map "read through" to the specified map, and attempts to modify the returned map, whether direct or via its collection views, result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

That is, it creates a new proxy object that restricts what the caller can do. If you look at the source code, you'll see a single-line method body:

return new UnmodifiableMap<>(m);

Hey, that's dependency injection! The UnmodifiableMap wraps some other Map instance, and takes that instance as a constructor parameter. The UnmodifiableMap class embodies these unmodifiable proxies. Here's a copy/paste of its declaration:

private static class UnmodifiableMap<K,V> implements Map<K,V>, Serializable { 

Don't worry about Serializable or static class; these are not important! What is important is that the Java standard library really is just creating a new kind of Map whose sole purpose is defending another Map from modification. If you browse the code you can see various ways the authors have carefully considered potential threats. (In fact, skimming the Javadoc for Collections is a great idea in general. There are good lessons there.)

This solution fits our needs nicely. We'll just return an unmodifiable, canonical Map to every caller. It's quick and easy, and unless you really want the caller to be able to modify the underlying map, is significantly better than a defensive copy alone. We've:

  • protected the internal minutesLeft map from modification;
  • avoided memory bloat by using a canonical public-facing object; and
  • ensured that all callers get the same view.
Click to see diagram

Dispatcher 3

This solution isn't perfect yet, but we'll stop here for today. It's good enough for our purposes. That said, there are a few flaws. Can you spot some of them?

Think, then click!

Here are a couple:

  • We've only protected one level of the reference structure: the TA keys of the map are still exposed to the caller, and if the TA class allows modification, we've just handed the ability to change TA state over to the caller.
  • Calling this specific method will only work if we want exactly the same interface given to the caller as we have internally (we store a map, so we produce an unmodifiable map).

Bringing All That Together: The Proxy Pattern

What we just did is an example of something called the proxy pattern. Yes, another pattern!

A proxy class wraps another object and provides all the same interfaces, but might possibly restrict or change the exact behavior of the promised methods. This pattern is related to other structural patterns like (e.g.):

  • decorator (which adds in additional functionality to a class); or
  • adapter (which modifies one interface into another). There are more than 20 patterns in the classic book, and we won't talk about them all explicitly in class.

Timeless Design Ideas

We stress the strategy pattern and proxy pattern in 0320/1340 because they are tools you'll be able to use over and over throughout your career, no matter what language you're working in. Moreover, their variants (like the above 2) are relatively simple adaptations of the basic idea. So they end up being multi-taskers.

Calling Collections.unmodifiableMap implements the proxy pattern for us, provided we're trying to proxy a Collection in a very specific way. But what if we want to proxy something else, or proxy in a different way—perhaps to only allow the addition of new TA entries, but not modification of old ones?

Let's build our own class for that. We'll define it inside the class definition of HoursDispatcher. This makes it an inner class. Instances of inner classes (by default, anyway) are tied to specific instances of the outer class, and get access to all the fields of the outer class. So our LimitedTATimesMap method below will be able to reference, e.g., the minutesLeft field of its parent object.

Because our proxy class provides the Map interface, we need to define quite a few methods. Most (like size()) are straightforward, and I'll omit almost all of them for brevity. Others, like remove(), we want to prohibit entirely, and so they just throw an UnsupportedOperationException if they are called. For put(), we'll make sure that the TA isn't already in the map; if they are, we'll throw the same exception. If not, we'll update the internal map.

class LimitedTATimesMap implements Map<String, Integer> {
    public int size() {
        return minutesLeft.size();
    public Integer remove(Object key) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove");
    public Integer put(TA key, Integer value) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("put");
        return minutesLeft.put(key, value);
    // other methods are straightforward or throw an exception

Application: Caching

Since proxies filter access to existing methods, they're very useful for adding on features to an existing method, like caching or authentication. Here's a quick example of what I mean. Think about the the search functionality you're writing for Sprint 1.2. What happens if someone searches the same CSV data for the same thing twice in a row? Naively, the class would re-run the search, right?

/** This is a toy example, and *not* meant to be as complete or well-engineered as your Sprint 1.2.
    I'm using `Datasource` to represent some class that provides the data to search in. It might 
    be a `Parser`, but it might be other things too. */
public class Searcher {
    private final Datasource source;
    public Searcher(Datasource datasource) {
        this.source = datasource; 

    /** This doesn't do as much as your Sprint 1.2 needs to, but illustrates my point. */
    public boolean search(String content) {
        for(List<String> row : source.entries()) {
            for(String value : row) {
                if(value.equals(content)) return true;
        return false;

But we can use the proxy pattern to add some smarter caching to this basic functionality. It will even let us avoid modifying the original class, provided that we engineered the original well. To do that, let's define an interface to implement. We'll go back and add implements Searchable to the original class.

/** Again, not quite as flexible as your Sprint 1.2. */
public interface Searchable {
    public boolean search(String content);

Now anybody can write a class that also implements Searchable. They can use dependency injection to proxy another Searchable object, and add extra depth they need to search().

public class CachingSearcher implements Searchable {
    private final Searcher wrapped;
    private final HashMap<String, Boolean> foundCache = new HashMap<>();

    public CachingSearcher(Searcher toWrap) {
        this.wrapped = toWrap;

    /** If the cache has a value, use it immediately. Otherwise ask the wrapped searcher what
      to say. Then save its answer in our cache before returning its answer. */
    public boolean search(String content) {
            return foundCache.get(content);
        boolean result =;
        foundCache.put(content, result);
        return result; 

This is a really simple caching approach. For one thing, it runs out of memory quickly at scale, because we keep accumulating entries. We might run out of memory if we don't have a way to evict entries that haven't been requested in a while. But that's algorithmics, not object-oriented design. We could use the same proxy pattern idea to implement even the most complex cache.

Supplemental Material: More Advanced Structural Patterns

I'm not sure if time will permit covering these patterns at a later date. They're modifications of the basic proxy idea, and might be useful for you to know about, so I'm including them here in the notes as supplemental material. If we have time later in the semester, I'll talk about them!

Note: I'm going to use this to also introduce some optional Java syntax you may not be aware of. In particular, Java has supported anonymous functions (which you may have heard referred to as lambdas) for years.

Another Option: Adapter Pattern

Let's try to protect the TA objects themselves from modification. One reasonable course would be to create a proxy class for TAs. However, what if the caller doesn't really need TA objects, but just wants to know the names of all the TAs currently helping students? Then we shouldn't return the objects!

Let's build an adapter that converts the Map<TA, Integer> to a Collection<String>. There are many applications for this pattern: any time you have two libraries that need to interact but don't agree on an interface, for instance. This is just one example.

The implementation is very similar to the proxy above (and I'll omit many methods that are straightforward):

class OnDutyTAsView implements Collection<String> {
    public int size() {
        return minutesLeft.size();
    public Iterator<String> iterator() {
        // FP approach (concise); can also use an anonymous class
        return minutesLeft.keySet().stream().map(ta ->;
    // other methods straightforward or throw exception

Notice that the view presents a Collection interface, but it isn't a HashSet or ArrayList. It's a new way for callers to access the minutesLeft map in a restricted, safe way. All callers will share the same up-to-date adapter reference, but none will be able to modify the map or the objects it contains.

What's a "stream"? Something that's been around since Java 8! It's an interface that supports functional operators like map and filter, among many others. According to the docs, it's:

A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.

You can do the above with anonymous classes, or with your own class that implements Iterator<String>, but I prefer this way.

Multiple Student Queues: Facade Pattern

Suppose we have a variety of sources for student-signup data. How would we deal with not just one, but many Iterator<Student> objects being given to our HoursDispatcher?

Well, we have a design decision to make. Let's fill in a skeleton, and what we know how to do:

public class IteratorAggregator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
    List<Iterator<T>> queues = new ArrayList<>();

    IteratorAggregator(Collection<Iterator<T>> startQueues) {

    public boolean hasNext() {
        // "Lambda can be replaced with method reference):
        // return;
        return -> it.hasNext());

    public T next() {
        // We have a design decision to make...
        return null;

What's the decision?

Think, then click! How should the contents of the iterators be woven together? Should we loop through the iterators round-robin, and make new arrivals wait until that iterator comes around again? Or should we have a priority system where we'll always take values from earlier iterators, even if the later iterators never get to go?

Should the contents of the queue be shuffled? What does it mean to shuffle a queue when new students may be arriving constantly?

Once we make these decisions, we could implement a specific approach and document it. We could also ask for a strategy (and document that, too).

Web APIs and Integration Testing with Mocks

Logistic announcement: we're going to be swapping to hours for collab scheduling in the short term. Watch for this when you go to collab section.

Today's in-class code is in the repository, within the F24/sep19_nws_api folder. Please pull the repository and make sure you can load this. Remember to load the pom.xml file as a project. This will tell IntelliJ to import dependencies, etc. for the project. If you open as a folder or file, IntelliJ won't auto-configure the project.

Extra example that includes multiple endpoints, logging

Anticipating that some of you will want to add logging to a file whenever your server receives a request, I made this proof-of-concept example that shows how to set up logging actions before handlers are invoked.


Today's in-class exercise is here.

Looking Ahead!

In next week's sprint, 2.1, you'll be building a server that listens for and responds to requests. It gets its data from your CSV files. In 2.2, you'll also be getting data from other servers on the Internet. We anticipate some of the major challenges to be:

  • setting the server up to listen properly (you'll use the strategy pattern for this, because that's how the web-server library we use is engineered);
  • serializing and deserializing data to and from other servers;
  • limited caching of prior results (you'll use the proxy pattern for this!); and
  • integration testing your server by sending it fake requests.


Your readings for this sprint include:

  • Bloch (Effective Java)
    • Minimize mutability (Item 17);
    • Check parameters for validity (Item 49);
    • Make defensive copies when needeed (Item 50);
    • Some of the items about exceptions (Items 69, 70, 72, 73, and 75);
    • This short article about Internet access; and
    • This page about the Equitable Internet Initiative.

Some of these reinforce concepts from class; others introduce deeper discussion than we have time for (e.g., much of the exceptions content). You're of course free to read more of Bloch if you wish; we strongly recommend it for learning about OO Java programming.

We will have another class on generics in the future, and Bloch's Item 31 would be a good companion to that.


The code for today supplements the gearup example you'll get on Monday. We'll talk about:

  • invoking (and creating) Web APIs;
  • integration testing; and
  • using "mocks" to avoid several different costs in development.

This example does not cover caching, which you'll need for the sprint. For that, see the previous livecode. Although it does have an empty class that demonstrates the shape.

Web APIs

There's a lot of useful information out there on the web.

One way we might work with that info is to scrape websites: write a script that interacts with the HTML on a webpage to extract the info.

Why Not Web Scraping?

What are some weaknesses of web scraping, from the perspective of both the person doing the scraping, and the person who is running the website?

Think, then click!

A few issues might be:

  • The owner of the data might want to charge for access in a fine-grained way, or limit access differently from the way it works on a webpage.
  • Web scraping is unstable. If a site's format changes, web-scraper scripts can break. APIs can have breaking changes too, but when they do, the changes usually come with a warning to users!
  • Web scraping is mostly a one-sided effort. While a site designer might work to ease the job of web scrapers, details can still require some guesswork on the part of the script author.

It turns out that ideas from web-scraping will remain useful though, when we get to testing front-end applications in a few weeks.

Web APIs

APIs work like this: the user sends a structured request to the API, which replies in a documented, structured way. API is short for Application Programming Interface, and often you'll hear the set of functions it provides to users called the "interface".

This is an example of an "interface" in the broad, classical sense. It isn't a Java interface. It's one of many ways for two programs to communicate across the web, but it's specific and well-defined.

APIs are everywhere. Whenever you log in via Google (even on a non-Google site) you're using Google's Authentication API.

APIs are very like method calls! The pictures are very similar:

The differences are in the ways we go about making a call (and processing the result). E.g., we have to build a request string that embodies the call, and we have to turn the response object into usable data.

Example: National Weather Service

Let's start right away with a serious, high-volume API: the U.S. National Weather Service. These APIs tend to be well-documented. We'll use the NWS because, while many professional APIs require registration and the use of an API key to use them, the NWS API is free and requires no registration.

The NWS API is not the exact API you will be using on the sprint, but I like it for demonstrating the same kind of interaction you'll need to implement.

Let's get weather information for Providence. Our geocordinates here are: 41.826820, -71.402931. According to the docs, we can start by sending a points query with these coordinates:,-71.4029:


There are a few things to notice right away. First, the URL we sent had a host portion ( and an endpoint (called, confusingly, points) that represents the kind of query we're asking. Then there are parameters to the query (41.8268,-71.4029).

Why 4 significant digits, rather than 6?

Because last year, the API would give an error if we tried to provide 6 significant digits. So we truncate.


We get this back:

    "@context": [
            "@version": "1.1",
            "wx": "",
            "s": "",
            "geo": "",
            "unit": "",
            "@vocab": "",
            "geometry": {
                "@id": "s:GeoCoordinates",
                "@type": "geo:wktLiteral"
            "city": "s:addressLocality",
            "state": "s:addressRegion",
            "distance": {
                "@id": "s:Distance",
                "@type": "s:QuantitativeValue"
            "bearing": {
                "@type": "s:QuantitativeValue"
            "value": {
                "@id": "s:value"
            "unitCode": {
                "@id": "s:unitCode",
                "@type": "@id"
            "forecastOffice": {
                "@type": "@id"
            "forecastGridData": {
                "@type": "@id"
            "publicZone": {
                "@type": "@id"
            "county": {
                "@type": "@id"
    "id": ",-71.4029",
    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
    "properties": {
        "@id": ",-71.4029",
        "@type": "wx:Point",
        "cwa": "BOX",
        "forecastOffice": "",
        "gridId": "BOX",
        "gridX": 64,
        "gridY": 64,
        "forecast": ",64/forecast",
        "forecastHourly": ",64/forecast/hourly",
        "forecastGridData": ",64",
        "observationStations": ",64/stations",
        "relativeLocation": {
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "properties": {
                "city": "Providence",
                "state": "RI",
                "distance": {
                    "unitCode": "wmoUnit:m",
                    "value": 1380.4369590568999
                "bearing": {
                    "unitCode": "wmoUnit:degree_(angle)",
                    "value": 72
        "forecastZone": "",
        "county": "",
        "fireWeatherZone": "",
        "timeZone": "America/New_York",
        "radarStation": "KBOX"

This wasn't nicely formatted for human reading. Why? Because it's meant for programs to consume. This string should bear a remarkable resemblance to TypeScript objects. It's called Json: JavaScript Object Notation. When we write programs that work with web APIs, we'll never manually parse these, we'll use a library that does it for us. In general:

  • when we're converting data or an object in our program to a format meant for transmission (like Json) we'll call it serialization; and
  • when we're converting a transmission format (like Json) into data or an object in our program, we'll call it deserialization.

What else do you notice about this data?

Think, then click!

One thing is: you can ignore a lot of it. This first query gives us useful information for further uses of the API. Another is that there's no actual weather information here...

See the documentation to understand the meaning of specific fields in the response. At a high level, this query tells us which NWS grid location Providence is in, along with telling us URLs for common queries about that grid location. The NWS API needs you to work with it in stages.

Building API Servers

The livecode example is an API server that sends requests to another API server:

  • Someone sends our API server a request for the weather at a certain geolocation.
  • Our API server asks the NWS what their grid coordinates are for that geolocation.
  • Our API server asks the NWS for the forecast at that location.
  • Our API server responds to the original request, reporting the weather forecast.

Setting up a server

We'll use a library called Sparkjava to run our API servers. Sparkjava is relatively simple to set up: we just tell it which port to use (here, 3232), which endpoints to listen at, and for each, a handler object (there's the strategy pattern again!) that processes requests.

Sparkjava came first, but...

If you Google for 'spark', you're likely to get answers related to Apache Spark, a more popular library that happens to be for data science, not web servers. Watch out!

In the livecode for today, you'll see the entry point in the file. The code looks something like this:

private final WeatherDatasource state = new NWSAPIWeatherSource();
Spark.get("/weather", new WeatherHandler(state));

In this case, the WeatherHandler object's constructor takes a data source object. Why do you think that is?

Think, then click!

Extensibility and testing! If we added more handlers, we'd probably need to share some state between them. This sort of dependency injection allows us to do just that. We might even wrap the datasource in a class that holds other kinds of state or other data sources.

Each of these handler classes handles queries sent to a specific endpoint. Here, queries to weather are handled by a WeatherHandler object.

You might notice that the data source being created is a NWSAPIWeatherSource, but it's being used only by an interface, WeatherDatasource. This enables some very useful techniques, including better testing.

Testing API Servers: Example of Integration Testing

Our philosophy is generally that you'll be able to test most everything you do, so as you start work on the Server sprint, you should be asking: how can I test my API server?

One way is to write unit tests. E.g., if we have a CSV data source (hint: you do!), we should have unit tests for that. If we have a source that goes to the National Weather Service to fetch forecasts, we should test that.

But neither of those will test the server. How can we do that?

Think, then click!

Write a test class that starts up your server locally, sends it web requests, and evaluates the response. (This will all be done on your local computer; no internet connection needed.)

This is exactly what the testing in the livecode demo does. When you're testing the integration of multiple components in your application (such as our server tests) this is called integration testing.

Mocking (a remarkably powerful technique)

Consider what happens when I run the integration tests in the livecode. These generate web requests to our server, and then (assuming normal operation), our server will send a series of web requests to the NWS API.

This is reasonable, but has a number of problems. What issues have I introduced into my testing because running the tests requires the NWS API?

Think, then click!

At the very least, the more I test (and I should test often!), the more I'll be spamming the NWS with requests. If I do it too much, they might think I am running a denial-of-service attack on them, and rate limit my requests. I also just can't run my test suite without an Internet connection, or if the NWS is down for maintenance.

(There are other reasons, too.)

Hence the MockedNWSAPISource class, which implements the same interface that the real data source class does. Instead of getting me the real forecast, however, it always returns a constant temperature. No NWS needed.

You'll use mocking in every sprint from now until the class is over; we've only barely discovered how important it is as a technique. And the patterns we have learned so far are perfect for implementing mocking well. To start with, a data source can be a strategy provided by the caller (real or mock).

To see all this in action, run the livecode. Try the tests. Experiment with them. After the gearup, you'll have two examples to help you structure your Server sprint.

Group Projects and Code Review

Because the mdbook package, which I use to write these notes, doesn't easily support external links in the table of contents, this page exists. Please go here to access the slides.

Supplemental Example for Dependency Injection

I added another small, self-contained example (vignette) for dependency-injection here.

Webapps: HTML, CSS, and TypeScript

Additional Materials

Please be aware that these notes:

  • cover 2 separate class meetings;
  • contain supplemental material, like the links below, which may not be covered in class; and
  • are meant to be accompanied by the full NYT puzzle example, which contains many comments for your reference.

Today we're going to start learning how to write webapps. In time, you'll have a working front-end web application, which you'll use to query the backend server you're finishing up now.

Read on!

I'm putting these links at the beginning to make them easier to find, but if this is your first time reading: skip past this section to get to the content these links refer to first!

TypeScript: TypeScript is a programming language. You can write backend programs with it, but it is most commonly associated with web programming. We strongly suggest making use of the TypeScript documentation. In particular, "instanceof narrowing", which we'll sometimes need to use. Notice how different this is from what we're used to in Java. That doesn't make it good or bad, just different. And TypeScript can do some useful things that Java can't easily manage.

OOP in TypeScript: I'm deliberately not using TypeScript's classes in any of my livecode examples. In the same way we'll be covering some OO design ideas, I want to also cover some functional design ideas. You can use whichever style you prefer on the term project. If you want to refer to documentation anyway, the TypeScript docs on classes are available.

React: React is a web framework for JavaScript and TypeScript. We'll use it to make web development a bit easier. You will find the React docs useful. This is especially true for the useEffect hook (not used in the NYT app) and useState hooks (which you'll see today). You may need either or both throughout the next few weeks. The useEffect hook helps if you want to control side effects in your components. Remember that you are not in control of how often a function component is re-evaluated; putting side effects directly in the function is not reliable. Use hooks instead.

Playwright: Playwright is a library for automated testing of web applications. It has a lot of useful features that I hope you'll use. Playwright's documentation, especially its page on locators, will be useful for testing.

Finally, the end of this document says a few words on the keywords await and async, which you'll see in the Playwright examples, but you should not need to use await outside your test files. We'll cover await and async more for your next Sprint. For now, just use them in the way we describe for testing.


A Word on "Talent"

I'd caution against viewing success in either 0320 or CSCI generally as related to talent, for a couple reasons. We don't talk enough about how talent depends on external factors and experience. Stephen Sondheim (who I imagine knew more about talent than most) said that "everybody is talented, it's just that some people get it developed and some don't." We can often (wrongly) think of "talent" in CSCI as when some skill or concept comes easily. But the development of talent requires time, support, work, etc. And even prodigies need that—e.g., Terrence Tao (who aced the math SATs when he was 8 years old) got a lot of tutoring support growing up, and (crucially) his family was able to provide it.

An Exercise

You'll start the "front end" part of 0320 on Monday. In our context, that means web programming. What's a (work-safe) website that you particularly like, and what's something the website's interface does that you'd like to learn how to do?

Static HTML and CSS Basics

Let's start by looking at a student's website. The site is hosted here. Naturally, I got permission before using one of your fellow student's webpages. The style is rather outdated, but it suffices as a first intro to these concepts.

This website uses three files:

  • an HTML file, which defines the content of the page (index.html);
  • a CSS File, which defines the styling of the page (styles.css); and
  • an image file with a picture of the student (nim.png).

HTML: The Content

Notice that the structure of HTML is treelike. Tags open and close elements in the document. There's some metadata, but largely the document describes visible content and the structure of that content.

If you're used to editing documents via Google Docs or MS Word, you might be wondering where the formatting information comes from. Websites usually separate out content from styling, meaning that the HTML won't say that a certain word should be shown in a particular font, or aligned in a particular way. Instead, any context needed for styling to be done is specified by...

CSS: The Styling

CSS files say how to style elements of a webpage. Because the author of this page gave the uniName class to "Brown University", this style declaration will apply:

.uniName {
    color: brown; 
    font-family: Trebuchet, sans-serif;
    font-size: 18px;
    font-weight: normal; 

The dot before uniName means that the style is meant to apply to any element on the page with uniName as its class. This is called a CSS selector; there are lots more that select elements by their id or other properties.

The result of this separation is that the HTML document can focus on content and context, and leave styling aside. Yes, it's possible to embed your CSS inside the same file, and there are also frameworks that combine the two in a useful way. But the convention we'll follow to start with is to split the two into different files.

Viewing HTML Source

By default, your browser will render the HTML file, rather than showing its raw form. To see the HTML itself, you'll need to view source. Often there's a right-click menu option for this, but if not there's usually a key combination to press:

  • In Safari: Command + Option + U;
  • In (Windows) Firefox: Control + U;
  • In (MacOS) Firefox: Command + U.

Inspecting Elements

CSS files also have significant influence over how elements are positioned on the page. It can be useful to see where boundaries between divs and other elements actually are. This is best done in a browser's page-inspection tool. You'll often find this under "Web Developer Tools" or "Dev Tools" or a similarly named menu. Here are some key combinations:

  • In Safari: Command + Option + I (and click on the Elements tab);
  • In (Windows) Firefox: Control + Shift + I (and click the Inspector tab);
  • In (MacOS) Firefox: Command + Option + I (and click on the Inspector tab).

Notice that when I mouse over the first column in the table, my browser is highlighting the on-page position of that column:

There are better ways of formatting this sort of data than tables. I took this from a webpage written more than a decade ago. However, HTML tables would be a great way to start displaying rows of tabular data on a webpage!

'Sources' isn't updated.

Make sure you're looking at Elements or Inspector, not Sources. Once we start working with pages that change dynamically, Sources only shows the starting HTML (the source loaded in the file) without updates that are actually displayed.

A Website I Liked

The New York Times website had a puzzle a few years back that I love to use in class. It went something like this:

The Problem

The page is paywalled. Although Brown provides access through your logins, it's kind of a pain to set up under time constraints. So, while you should definitely try the NYT's version if you can, let's build our own. In fact, I've already built one!

This is an example of a webapp with both a front end and a back end. The front-end piece is what you see on the webpage, and all the dynamic functionality is there. The backend (in this app, anyway) is just a database where I keep track of everyone's sequences, and the results the app gave you.

Let's try it out. I didn't implement the "I'm ready to guess" part yet, but once you have a guess, write it down and stop.

Think, then click! The rule is "any non-decreasing sequence of three numbers." Is that your guess?

Perhaps not! The NYT reports that the majority of people who've tried the puzzle made their first guess before ever receiving a false response.

What does that have to do with software engineering? This is an example of confirmation bias; we humans tend to favor examples that meet our expectations. But without first seeing some false results, how would you really build confidence in your guess? (Maybe any sequence worked!)

By the way, this shows an example of how cognitive bias can impact our testing. It's quite easy to see a lot of true responses and get complacent...


This site isn't great in terms of accessibility, yet. Notice that whether the pattern matched or didn't is communicated visually by just color, and not with words or other formatting. We'll talk more about that in a future class.

Let's Build A Webapp!

We're going to write a less complex version of that web app today. Crucially, it will have no back-end code, and can just be run in a browser, via a local webserver. The gearup will cover more of this setup.

JavaScript and TypeScript: Dynamic Behavior

Neither HTML nor CSS alone suffice to build a good web application. We need a way to add dynamic behavior to the page, and to do that, we probably want a programming language.

There are dozens of options (including Java) but one tends to be far more popular than others: JavaScript. In fact, many popular web programming languages actually compile to JavaScript---which means browser developers can focus on optimizing JavaScript performance in their engine, confident in a broad impact. (If you took CS 0190 or CS 0111, the language you used the most---Pyret---compiles to JavaScript.)

TypeScript: JavaScript with a Seatbelt

We'll be using TypeScript in 0320. TypeScript is (essentially) JavaScript with types, and as you get experience you'll very quickly see why those types are a good thing. It's quite easy to make mistakes involving types in JavaScript; just try entering an expression like ' ' == 0 in the browser console.

But browsers don't understand TypeScript; they generally have highly optimized engines for running JavaScript. TypeScript code is compiled to JavaScript by the TypeScript compiler. That's our job to run as the web developer, not the client's job. Websites need to load quickly, and so we need the pre-compiled JavaScript code ready to go when a client requests the webpage.

Framing the Web App We Want

I've put a draft of the puzzle in the live code repository here.

You can find the HTML here. There are a couple of new tags in the HTML, but they're just more semantic grouping tags, like section etc. We'll focus on the code today.

One thing is worth noting: the CSS has only two declarations. These correspond to the formatting cues assigned to correct and incorrect sequences in the history:

.correct-try {
    background-color: green;
.incorrect-try {
    background-color: red;

We could make the page a lot better-looking by doing more with CSS styling. But this is meant to be an example focused on the dynamic behavior only.

Adding Dynamic Behavior

Let's start by writing a function that recognizes sequences matching our rule.

function pattern(guess: string[]): boolean {
    if(guess.length !== 3) return false;
    if(guess[0].length < 1 || 
       guess[1].length < 1 ||
       guess[2].length < 1) return false;
    if(parseInt(guess[0]) >= parseInt(guess[1])) return false;
    if(parseInt(guess[1]) >= parseInt(guess[2])) return false;
    return true;

What Do You Notice?

What do you notice about this TypeScript syntax, or about the style of coding in the function?

Think, then click!

You might notice:

  • functions doesn't have to be methods in a class, like they would need to be in Java;
  • the function has type annotations on its parameters and return value, like methods in Java;
  • the function uses a strange !== operator;
  • ...

Unit Testing TypeScript

This doesn't get called anywhere yet, but it's something we can unit test. To do that, we'll export it for use in other modules:

export {pattern};

How do we write unit tests for TypeScript? Very similarly to how we write unit tests for Java. I'll make a new file called pattern.test.ts to hold tests for the pattern checking code:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { pattern } from '../src/pattern'

test('pattern false if all empty', () => {
    const input = ['','','']
    const output = pattern(input)    

test('pattern true for 1,2,3', () => {
    const input = ['1','2','3']
    const output = pattern(input)    

The test construct defines a test case, which takes the form of an anonymous function (also called an "arrow function" or a "lambda"). The syntax means a function that takes no arguments (() =>) whose body defines two constants and runs an assertion.

We'd like to write a lot more of these. For now, we'll just run the test suite with this single test in it. (If you haven't yet, you'll first need to run npm install to download all the dependencies for this application. You might get some deprecation warnings; ignore those for today.) Then run: npm test. This will run our tests via the testing library we're using, which is called Playwright.


Playwright allows a lot more than what we've seen so far. It's built for front-end testing, so it makes a lot of things easy that JUnit doesn't.

Depending on how you install, you might need to run npx playwright install when you first run tests. This is normal; just run the command. Where npm manages your TypeScript and JavaScript packages, npx runs programs within packages. So npx playwright install runs an install command defined by Playwright. (It downloads various browser emulators.)

Why TypeScript, not JavaScript?

Since TypeScript compiles to JavaScript, and our browser understands JavaScript, let's set the types aside for now and just think about programming for the web. This is a good time to talk about how to learn a new programming language productively.

Yeah, it can be useful to read books and articles and ask questions on Ed and check StackOverflow and so on. But there's a sort of deeper checklist I like to follow when learning a new language, and as we follow it for JavaScript together we'll discover a few of the nastier surprise differences.

I like to identify language features that I rely on, and experiment with them. Coming up with these facets isn't always easy, which is why we're doing it together. For instance, let's check out equality, a deceptively simple yet subtle idea that many languages differ on. I'll use Safari's JS console (Command-Option-C):

> 15 == "15"
> 15 == true
> 1 == true
0 == false

Already we've learned a great deal. JavaScript's == operator performs type conversion before comparing values. It allows us to pretend that the number 1 is "true" and that the number 0 is "false", but other numbers aren't equivalent to either.

Those of you who have programmed in Racket before: notice this is different from Racket! In Racket, every non-false value (Racket calls false #f) is considered true. The same is true in many other languages.

JavaScript has a second equality operator, ===, that checks for equality without type conversion. So:

> 15 === "15"

Java also has two different types of equality (== and the .equals method), but there the difference has nothing to do with implicit type conversion, but with references vs. structural equality. JavaScript's implicit conversion adds an extra layer of complexity.


Let's try a few arithmetic operators that are often overloaded across different languages.

> '1' + 1

> 1 + '1'

> 1 - '1'

> '1' - 1

JavaScript tries to "do the reasonable thing" whenever possible. When in doubt, use explicit conversion functions (e.g., parseInt).

In fact, let's try a couple more (Credit for these to Gary Bernhardt from 2012---it's 4 minutes long; watch it.) For context, [] denotes an array or list in JavaScript and {} denotes an object.

> [] + []

> {} + {}

> [] + {}
[object Object]

> {} + []

"Addition" isn't even commutative in JavaScript, because addition isn't always addition.

Do you see why TypeScript is helpful, now? JavaScript lets you throw off the constraints of the type system, but those constraints are like a safety belt on a roller coaster.

Supplemental: What's Really Happening?

The details involve how JavaScript is implicitly converting between different types. Before applying +, it converts to a "primitive" type, which for an object is a string. An empty array is converted to the empty string. And so on. The details would consume a full class, or more! Just beware, and embrace types.


While we won't be using TypeScript classes, we can't avoid using objects. Objects are collections of fields; there's no sharp distinction between fields that are methods and fields that are data. If you've used Python before, these may remind you of dictionaries. For example:

cat = {talk: function() { console.log('meow'); }}

Takeaway: In JavaScript, functions are values.

Aside: Blank Space

I'm including this because it is a strange thing about TypeScript/JavaScript and it's caused confusion before. Let's ask: how does JavaScript handle blank space? How about the ultimate blank space: new lines?

five = function() { return 
5; }

JavaScript automatically inserts semicolons where it believes they are needed. It turns out this often makes sense, but can be confusing. I found this great StackOverflow thread that explains the policy in detail.

The language is powerful, and many of its quirks actually make perfect sense when writing web UIs. But still, beware, and treat your JavaScript programs like a science project: if you've got weird behavior, experiment.

Adding Behavior on the Page

We should add some behavior on the webpage. There are two ways we could go about this.

  • Option 1: Write the application in plain ("vanilla") TypeScript. This would have the advantage of showing how web programming works at a low level (in short: callback functions and events: lots of overlap with the strategy pattern!) But this would require us to manage program state and update the state of the webpage all by ourselves, which can be complex.
  • Option 2: Set up the application using a framework like React which helps manage state, update the page, and much more.

I like Option 2 for now. So, let's introduce React.


React provides two useful features (among others):

  • React manages your front-end app's state centrally, and when it detects a state change it propagates that change to a virtual copy of the page. The actual page then only gets updated when it actually needs to be changed. This can improve efficiency of complex apps. To make this work, you usually want to manage all state through React.
  • React gives us a nice way to align the visual layout of the app with the program. Concretely, a React component is a TypeScript function that returns a special kind of object that resembles HTML: a JSX expression. In effect, JSX is HTML with holes in it where we can plug in the result of running TypeScript code.


Always keep in mind that a React function component must return a JSX expression. This might be plain HTML, but almost always it's got some JavaScript being evaluated inside squiggle-braces.

We're also using Vite, a development server for React applications. This makes it easier to get started. Notice that we're using a lot of helper libraries! This is normal in much of web development, and we want to get more practice managing this.


React components will either be classes or functions. We don't use "class components". They are outdated, from the early days of React. You'll still see them referenced online, though. The React team strongly suggests that new development use functional components instead, though. We follow their advice, and so should you. Use function components.

What are our components for this application?

After you ignore all of the extraneous content, the NYT puzzle is pretty simple:

  • 3 input boxes invite you to enter a trio of numbers.
  • Once you've entered numbers, you click a button to check whether those numbers are in the hidden set of sequences.
  • The 3 input boxes become read-only and get colored red or green depending on success or failure.
  • A new trio of inputs appears.

So, for our graphical components, we probably need:

  • input boxes and a submission button; and
  • a notion of "attempt": one current attempt, and 0 or more past attempts.

That's enough to get a very rough approximation of the puzzle, which is good enough for me!

I like to draw out a prototype UI, and circle different regions that represent important grouping in the application. E.g.:

A starting template

The complete livecode is available in the repository. I'll call out a few points about the code here.


React component functions return JSX, rather than standard TypeScript, which is why the file extension is now .tsx rather than .ts. React automatically renders whatever these functions return into HTML.

All these components except App take properties. This is either a single argument, props, that represents information passed down from parent components, or a collection of variables that do the same.


From the console, I'll run npm run start. Because I'm using React with Vite, it will give me output like this:

  VITE v4.4.9  ready in 1240 ms

  ➜  Local:   http://localhost:5173/
  ➜  Network: use --host to expose
  ➜  press h to show help

If I then go to http://localhost:5173/reactNYT, I can view the app. (By default, it would be served at localhost:3000, but I've configured it to add reactNYT so that I could deploy it where I did, rather than the root of my Github pages page. We won't be doing deployment today.)


We've got a file called package.json and another called tsconfig.json. These respectively control:

  • the project's metadata and dependencies, rather than pom.xml did in Java; and
  • how TypeScript should compile (e.g., which version of JavaScript it should emit, whether it should interoperate with raw JavaScript, etc.).

There's also a very large file, package-lock.json. This gives the low-level details of how dependencies were resolved, even implicit ones, and helps ensure a consistent build. All three of these should be pushed to Github.

On the other hand, node_modules is where the dependencies have been downloaded. These are often large, and should not be pushed to Github.

You may notice some other configuration:

  • vite.config.js configures Vite (which is how we're running React).
  • jest.config.js configures Jest (the library we'll use for unit testing in TypeScript).

That's a lot of moving parts! Front-end development tends to have more pieces, but just keep in mind:

  • Browsers understand JavaScript;
  • TypeScript adds types, and gets compiled to JavaScript;
  • React is a framework that makes building applications easier; and
  • Vite is a development server meant to make building React apps easier.

Application state

The App component is the entry point into a create-react-app program. Let's start by adding a NewRound component:

function App() {
  return (

This changes nothing, but it raises the question: how do we get the NewRound component to do what we want? Our application has some state. What does the state look like?

We'll need at least:

  • the state of each text input;
  • some record of past guesses; and (if we want to get fancy)
  • maybe some text state for showing error messages and so on.

Let's focus on the record of past guesses. What's the right component for that record to be kept in? If we keep the record in one big array, it's the App component. We don't just want to add a global variable for this, though; we want to enable React to register our updates so it can efficiently flow those updates into the UI. For this, we'll use a hook (see this week's lab for more information), and we'll pass both the value and the setter function to the NewRound component. We'll also tell the NewRound component about how to update the notification text

function App() {
  const [guesses, setGuesses] = useState([]);
  const [notification, setNotification] = useState('');
  return (
      <NewRound setGuesses={setGuesses}
                setNotification={setNotification} />      

The squiggly braces contain JavaScript; the result of evaluating that JavaScript gets substituted into the JSX. As a result, the NewRound component will have access to the setter for guesses, and thus have the ability to update the record.

Having referred to a NewRound component, we probably ought to do something in the corresponding function (which is, at the moment, empty except for a <div>). We've got to do a few things:

  • We need a place for the state of those 3 text inputs to go. We'll use another useState hook for this.
  • We need a place for the inputs to go, and the guess button.
  • We need to take in some props---at minimum, a way to change the notification message.

See the completed livecode for details. Much of class will be a code-dive exercise with an opportunity to ask questions. Pay special attention to...

  • state is declared, updated, and accessed. Never modify a state variable directly; always use the setter provided by React, and don't expect the setter to execute right away.
  • the components refer to each other, forming a nested structure. The structure of the program echoes the graphical structure. If you're ever feeling "lost" in React, draw the picture of how the components should relate to each other.

React state updates are asynchronous!

Try adding a console write immediately after a state update (here's a snippet modified from the full code below):

  return (
    <input value={props.value} onChange={(ev) => {

The console.log will print the old value, because React hasn't yet had a chance to run the update. In general, don't expect React state updates to take effect until after the currently running code has ended. (We'll talk more about this in preparation for your next sprint.)

More Testing in React

We'll be using and requiring Playwright for Mock and future sprints. You're strongly encouraged to use it on your term projects as well, since that's what we can best support. Playwright is a great library for scripting front-end tests. There's a guiding principle (quoted from a different testing library) that we'll follow for front-end testing:

The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.

Broadly, we're going to focus on a more heavy-weight kind of testing on the front end that resembles the integration tests you wrote for Server. We'll call this end-to-end testing, because it can potentially test the entire application. You might think of it as a kind of user-focused system testing.

Contrasting vs. Unit Testing

Unit testing still has a (major) place in our testing lives. It's still useful to test narrow units of code. But why do we unit test? It isn't because of some crude rule like "we should test every line!" but rather because it's important to have confidence about interface boundaries in your application. These boundaries exist at many different levels:

  • individual public helper functions used throughout an application that developers (often you) invoke elsewhere, relying on their specific behavior when doing so;
  • the behavior of frontend-backend communication (like your API server in Sprint 2) and other connections between large components that developers (often not you) rely on;
  • the behavior of actual user interface(s) that end users rely on;
  • ...

It's always about the behavior!

My view is that testing should always be rooted in the requirements that specific kinds of users have---whether they're developers or end-users. Hence the way we've framed the user stories in your sprints to reflect the needs of both.

Kent Dodds writes more about this philosophy in the context of a different testing library here. If you read the post, you'll see that he also frames testing in terms of both developers and end-users. Dodds also writes that if a test suite is brittle to low-level changes, it is a timesink to maintain.

If that doesn't seem counter-intuitive, give it more thought. Tests specify behavior at whatever level they operate. And isn't it a good thing whenever we know what our software should do? If so, it must also be a good thing for our software to be completely specified; you'd know exactly what the software does (or, even better, exactly what you should be implementing). No room for ambiguity, no chance of missing any rubric points or making any users unhappy.

That's good, right? ...Right?

Maybe. But there's a price to pay in managing that specification and the effects of change. The more completely the tests specify your application, the less you'll be able to change without breaking tests.

Using Playwright to Test

You can find some example uses of Playwright in the reactNYT livecode repository. In particular, look at the app.spec.tsx file. Here's an example:

test('renders guess input fields', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto(url);    
  // Leverage accessibility tags we ought to be providing anyway  
  const guess0 = page.getByRole("textbox", {name: TEXT_number_1_accessible_name})
  const guess1 = page.getByRole("textbox", {name: TEXT_number_2_accessible_name})
  const guess2 = page.getByRole("textbox", {name: TEXT_number_3_accessible_name})
  await expect(guess0).toBeVisible()
  await expect(guess1).toBeVisible()
  await expect(guess2).toBeVisible()

First, the test calls page.goto to load the page. This works because of how Playwright is configured in the project: when run, Playwright will automatically start up the development server for the project.

Then, the test creates locators for textbox elements with specific labels (in this case, accessibility metadata). Rather than hard-coding the specific string, the module imports an identifier from the app itself in the constants.ts file:

export const TEXT_number_1_accessible_name = 'first number in sequence'

The advantage of this approach is that, assuming that the application also uses TEXT_number_1_accessible_name for the accessible label of the input boxes, simple changes to their text won't break our tests.

Notice how we're identifying the three "guess" input boxes based on their accessible role and accessible name. This is less brittle than just getting all elements with that role; we don't need to filter out old-round information, or worry about ordering. Instead, NewRound.tsx sets up the NewRound component so that these text boxes all have distinct accessible names.

You'll see this a lot in modern front-end testing. Rather than requesting elements from document or some other HTML node, we'll use library support for accessibility metadata. Using Playwright it's easy to enter values into the input boxes:

await guess0.fill('100');    
await guess1.fill('200');    
await guess2.fill('300');

and even script clicking the button, after we find it by its accessibility data:


What's up with await?

We'll talk more about await soon. For now, just know it's a way to tell TypeScript to stop here until a value is generated.

You shouldn't need to use await in your actual application. But it's very important when testing with Playwright, because some actions take time. Loading the page, for example, or clicking a button. If you don't await those actions, the script will continue to the next line before the page is ready.

If you want to skip ahead to what is actually going on, unhide this text (and remember that you shouldn't need to use this knowledge, yet, except in Playwright tests):

What's really going on? (Optional Information)

In TypeScript, a Promise is a generic type that represents an eventual value (or error). The await keyword pauses execution until a Promise resolves, but only in certain contexts.

For more information, see these docs on Promises and these docs on async and await.

If you find yourself tempted to use await within your code (not your tests), ask a staff member first.

We are deliberately delaying this topic to avoid adding more conceptual overhead to the Mock sprint. For now, please await more information; we promise to provide it.

Why aren't you adding types in these test files?

While you must fill in types in your application files, we're not requiring you to fill in explicit type values within your test files. These files are TypeScript; we're just letting TypeScript infer types on its own.

Generics with Wildcards, Typecasting, and Narrowing

I responded at length to an Ed post about typecasting yesterday, and I'd like to spend today talking about related issues. We'll break this down into 3 parts:

  • Subtleties with generics in Java
  • Typecasting isn't always bad
  • Narrowing in TypeScript

Making Sense of Generics: the LSP

Let's start with a puzzle about subtyping. We know that Object is a supertype of Number, which is a supertype of Integer. One thing this buys us is that we can plug in something with Number type anywhere an Object is expected, or pass an Integer to a method that accepts Numbers.

How does this work with generic types? Here's a method:

static Number sumAll(Collection<Number> numbers) {
        int sum = 0;
        for(Number num : numbers) {
            sum += num.intValue(); // "may involve rounding or truncation"
        return sum;

Which types work to store the result of sumAll?

The method by itself typechecks just fine. Now let's call sumAll. We'll start by giving it an empty collection of numbers, and saving the result to a variable. What types of variable can we store the return value of sumAll in? Concretely, which of the 3 assignments below do you expect to produce a type error?

    Collection<Number> someNums = new HashSet<>();
    Number aNumber = sumAll(someNums);    // ?
    Integer anInteger = sumAll(someNums); // ?
    Object anObject = sumAll(someNums);   // ?

Think, then click!

Number and Object both work OK, but Integer produces a type error. This is perhaps what we expected: after all, that's how subtyping works in languages like Java! The type system doesn't have enough info to know that the return value is always an Integer (although it is), and so it forces us to use variables of a less-specific type.

Which types work as arguments to sumAll?

Now suppose we have 3 Collection objects we could pass in to sumAll. Keeping in mind the result of the last experiment, which of these do you expect to work?

    Collection<Number> someNums = new HashSet<>();
    Collection<Integer> someInts = new HashSet<>();
    Collection<Object> someObjects = new HashSet<>();
    sumAll(someNums);     // ?
    sumAll(someInts);     // ?
    sumAll(someObjects);  // ?
Think, then click!

Only someNums, the Collection<Number>, works. Both of the others produce a type error.

In spite of the fact that Integer is a subtype of Number, Collection<Integer> is not a subtype of Collection<Number>. The same goes for List, Set, and so on.

Wait, what?

Why do you think this is the case? Is Java's type checker just bad?

One way to explore whether or not this behavior is reasonable is to experiment. Suppose that Java had let us use a Collection<Integer> as a subtype of Collection<Number>. Can you write a program that would then produce a run-time type error? (Hint: you don't need more than a 2 or 3 lines; you don't even need to use the someAll function.)

Think, then click!

Here's one:

someNums = someInts; // the problematic line
someNums.add(Math.PI); // adding a Number to a collection of Numbers
for(int i : someInts) {

This is why Java does what it does. But sometimes we really do want to accept "a set of any kind of number" without knowing in advance exactly which type it is. And this is where generics become a little bit more complex. Before we start, I want to cover a rule that can really help clear up confusion about generic types. It's called the Liskov Substitution Principle or LSP. You can look up the full LSP if you want, but here I'm going to put a particular spin on it:

If you're able to safely use an object of type someplace, you should also be able to safely use an object of type , where is a subtype of .

This is the guiding principle that the above example violates, and it's worth keeping in mind as you work with generics in the future.

Type variables and Wildcards

Let's get more concrete. What if we were trying to write the type for a sorting function? All we'd like to depend on is that elements of the type are comparable to other elements of that type:

public static <T extends Comparable<T>> void sortSomeRecords(List<T> lst)

Hopefully the above example motivates why we needed the type variable: any kind of Comparable will do, so long as it can compare against its own type.

Java also allows wildcard type variables, which are written ?. A wildcard represents a type variable that won't be used elsewhere, so doesn't require a unique name. But we couldn't have used a wildcard here, since we needed T both to say what type to compare against, and to label the argument.

Java's standard library sorting function, however, uses both a type variable and a wildcard:

public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list)

This allows T to implement comparisons against any of its supertypes. (By the way, the bit declaring T isn't part of the return type; it's just a note to the type checker.)

What a variable means

Here are some things to try:

someNums.add(1);    // setup (works)
someNums.add(1.5);  // setup (works)

Collection< ? extends Number> someNums2 = new HashSet<>();  // ?
someNums2.add(1);       // ?
someNums2.add(1.5);     // ?
someNums2.add(null);    // ?
someNums2 = someNums;   // ?

What's going on?

Think, then click!

? extends Number does not mean "a list of objects which all extend Number". It means "a list of objects of one single type, where that type extends number".

We can assign someNums to someNums2 because someNums is a collection of Number (which fits into the wildcard). But we cannot add an Integer to someNums2, not even if we try to typecast.

Why? Because we could have assigned someInts to someNums2 instead, or someDoubles or someFloats! Java has no guarantee (at least, not without a far more sophisticated and time-consuming code-crawl) that it will be safe to add an integer to whatever someNums2 references.


You may have learned in the past that "typecasting is bad". To be clear, there are two operators involved in this general sentiment, each of which do different things:

Actual typecasting, sometimes called "downcasting", e.g.:

List<Integer> lst = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Integer> alist = (ArrayList<Integer>) lst; 

Here we are telling Java that we know what type lst is, and to trust us when we try to put a reference of type List into a reference of type ArrayList. In this example, we have a good reason to be confident. But in general, it's a somewhat dangerous thing to do.

Checking the type of an object, e.g.:

if(lst instanceof ArrayList) {
    System.out.println("It's an array list!")

Both of these are often frowned on in intro courses, outside of places like defining equals() and hashCode() for a new class. But what makes those uses OK, and other uses not OK? Let's first identify a few reasons why these might cause trouble.

  • Typecasting is forcing the type system to believe something, even if it's not true. So you'd better be sure it's true! Usually we'd do this with an instanceof check right before the cast.
  • Using instanceof with typecasting isn't exhaustive by default; you can write tests using instanceof and cast within an if, but it's easy for the else case to gloss over new possibilities that get added later, causing silent bugs.
  • Typecasting can sometimes indicate bad issues with design, especially OO design. E.g., if you aren't properly using polymorphism with interfaces or superclasses, you might need to know the implementation class so you can call specific methods. This would have been the case if you'd needed to typecast in your CSV parser on Sprint 1.1, because generics and polymorphism should be enough there. But such situations aren't the entirety of all use cases for casting. Many are valid (and again, Java's library uses it more than you'd expect).

You have enough experience now to ask yourself: do I need to typecast here? Are there any alternatives? This doesn't mean that we won't give you feedback or say "needs improvement" if you decide to use typecasting. Quite the opposite; I hope we can give you feedback if you're using it incorrectly! But sometimes casting and instanceof are what you need to get the job done. Let's look at an example.

Suppose you're calling an external library method, which might throw either of two different exceptions. If the library doesn't give you any help in disambiguating them, and you need to treat them differently, what else can you do but use instanceof?

abstract class SpecialException extends Exception {}
/** This exception type should be translated to different abstraction */
class SomeExceptionToChange extends SpecialException {}
/** This exception type should be logged and execution should continue */
class SomeExceptionToLog extends SpecialException {}

public class CastingExample {

    /** Which will it throw? Who knows! */
    static void doSomething() throws SpecialException {
        if(Math.random() > 0.5) {
            throw new SomeExceptionToChange();
        } else {
            throw new SomeExceptionToLog();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
        } catch(SpecialException e) {
            // What can we do here?

Well, it turns out that you can do something else in this specific case. Java lets you chain catch statements, so you could do this:

try {
} catch(SomeExceptionToChange e) {
    // handle this type
} catch(SomeExceptionToLog e) {
    // handle that type
} catch(SpecialException e) {
    // anything else...

Of course, this is very very like using instanceof. The difference is that Java will enforce exhaustivity for you here. You cannot forget the last case, or you get a type error! So this form has more protection than instanceof.

But still, in some cases, you can't do without instanceof—like if you're overriding the equals method on some new class, because that method takes an Object reference.


(See the lecture capture; we demoed narrowing in the union-types example from last time.)

(Supplemental / to be moved) Fuzz Testing

Let's think about unit-testing on your CSV sprint.

Generating Test Inputs

What do you think is harder to think of: test inputs or the corresponding outputs?

Usually it's the inputs that are harder, because they require clever thinking about the space of inputs. Outputs are often (although not always) an exercise in running the program in your mind.

Where else might we find test inputs, and what problems might occur with each source?

  • someone else's tests? (same human biases, but ok, could help)
  • monitor a real system (good idea; possibly different biases? overfitting to their use-case? may be ok, may not. could be expensive or affect performance.)
  • random generation? (possibly a lot of weird values that aren't really reflective of reality, what's the distribution...?)

Let's build on the "random test generation" idea. Suppose we could randomly generate inputs. What could we do with them?

The simplest, but still incredibly powerful, technique is to probe for crashes. Just keep feeding the system random inputs and, if your generator is good, you're likely to eventually find those bizarre corner cases that lead to surprising exceptions.

You don't need to do this in JUnit, or have a Test annotation or anything like that. We're just experimenting with the idea of fuzzing.

What's a "surprising exception"?

There's a bit of a caveat here. Sometimes programs are supposed to throw an exception on certain inputs. Maybe the specification says that, "for input integers less than zero, the method throws UnsupportedOperationException". Then fuzzing is a bit more involved than trying to provoke any exception. Instead, you might only look for exceptions like NullPointerException or other signals that indicate a bug, rather than a legitimate specified result.


This might seem like a strange technique. But, in truth, it's used pretty commonly in industry where crash bugs are expensive, highly impactful, or affect many people. (Think: operating systems, device drivers, and cloud infrastructure, to name a few.)

And, by the way: not all the inputs need to be random! You can still have deviously crafted inputs hard-coded; just include them at the beginning before you start random generation. This is true of everything else we do with random inputs.

Here's an example from my solution to CSV.

final static int NUM_TRIALS = 100;
final static int MAX_STARS = 100;

 * The throws clause for this method is immaterial; JUnit will 
 * fail the test if any exception is thrown unless it's marked 
 * *expected* inside the @Test annotation or it's explicitly 
 * part of an assertion.

public void fuzzTestStars() throws EndOfCSVException {
    for(int counter=0;counter<NUM_TRIALS;counter++) {
        // This helper produces a random CSV-formatted string
        // that contains a set of encoded Star objects
        String csvString = TestHelpers.getRandomStarCSV(MAX_STARS);
        // Note use of StringReader here, not FileReader
        // Allowing /any/ Reader makes testing easier.
        Reader csv = new StringReader(csvString);
        List<Star> stars = GenericCSVParser.parseFrom(csv, new StarFactory());

        // Fuzz testing -- just expect no exceptions, termination, ...

We could improve this code in at least one big way. It's fixated on producing random CSV data for Star objects, and so we're not testing other kinds of random data. Still, this actually found a bug in my parser while I was developing it: I wasn't properly handling the behavior of my parser iterator if the file was empty.

Aside on Implementing Random Generators

In Java, I like to use java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom, since it lets me produce many different random types. E.g.:

final ThreadLocalRandom r = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
long id = r.nextLong();
double x = r.nextDouble(Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);

To generate random strings, we can generate a random array of bytes, and convert that to a string. E.g.:

byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
String name = new String(bytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));    

There's a limitation here. This does not guarantee an alpha-numeric string, or anything even remotely readable. Beware, since it might also contain control characters that will mess up some terminals if you print them!

Moreover, since this string is UTF-8 encoded, it won't be able to contain most unicode characters, so we're focusing heavily on Latin characters. Fortunately, you can get more wide-ranging character sets with some quick changes.

There's a "random testing" badge in 0320, so we'll be talking about this idea much more in the future. For now, keep in mind that not all tests need to be input-output pairs.

QUICK DISCUSSION: What's something you've written in another class here at Brown that would be well-suited to fuzz testing?

sp23 Concurrency (Java)

The material in these notes goes deeper than we can cover in class. If you're having issues with concurrency in Java on your term project, read these notes! If you're having trouble with the difference between promises (coming next lecture) and threads, read these (and the next) notes!


Your term project group forms are due tonight. Let's spend some time in class on group formation...

Livecode (Important)

Today's examples will draw from the scripts and prompts in the concurrent queue manager livecode project. The livecode also contains material that isn't covered in class, including:

  • a more advanced used of the adapter pattern (a relative of proxy) to merge together multiple student queues; and
  • a separate thread example showing how to leverage threads for performance (thread pools).

Logistics: Reading

The reading will be in Chapter 11 of Effective Java. The whole chapter may be useful to you when you start to program with concurrency in Java. Only Item 78 (the first in Chapter 11) is required reading. Please do read it; concurrency bugs are some of the most frustrating and time-consuming to encounter. Note especially that there are multiple things that can go wrong in a simple data access. Even if only one thread is writing (unlike our example today) synchronization may still be needed to ensure that other threads read the updated value consistently.

Continue to think defensively as you begin to use concurrency in your projects.

Optional Reference Materials

Save these for use later. Patterns (in OO) Generics (in Java) are extremely expressive, and if you want to learn more, use these resources.

The "Gang of Four" patterns book discusses, in detail, many more patterns than we can cover in lecture.

Angelika Langer's Java Generics FAQ is a wonderfully detailed reference for Java generics.

Motivating Concurrency

Let's go back to the hours queue dispatcher. You can find a more complete version of the example in the project linked at the beginning of these notes.

If we run the main method in the Main class of this new example, we'll get something like this (possibly with TAs changed from year to year):

Dispatcher: Welcome to TA hours! Today we're discussing Concurrency
Dispatcher: Hi Nim; you'll be seen by Galen
Galen says: Hello Nim!
Galen says: Goodbye Nim, I hope that helped!!
Dispatcher: Hi Alice; you'll be seen by Jenny
Jenny says: Hello Alice!
Jenny says: Goodbye Alice, I hope that helped!!
Dispatcher: Hi Bob; you'll be seen by Galen
Galen says: Hello Bob!
Galen says: Goodbye Bob, I hope that helped!!
Dispatcher: Hi Charli; you'll be seen by Jenny
Jenny says: Hello Charli!
Jenny says: Goodbye Charli, I hope that helped!!
Dispatcher: Hi Boatswain; you'll be seen by Galen
Galen says: Hello Boatswain!
Galen says: Goodbye Boatswain, I hope that helped!!
Dispatcher: Hi Bucky; you'll be seen by Jenny
Jenny says: Hello Bucky!
Jenny says: Goodbye Bucky, I hope that helped!!
Dispatcher: Nobody waiting in queue, will check again in three seconds.

By itself, this doesn't look too bad. But what happens if we watch the timing of these events?

11:27:21 Dispatcher: Welcome to TA hours! Today we're discussing Concurrency
11:27:21 Dispatcher: Hi Nim; you'll be seen by Galen
11:27:21 Galen says: Hello Nim!
11:27:22 Galen says: Goodbye Nim, I hope that helped!!
11:27:22 Dispatcher: Hi Alice; you'll be seen by Jenny
11:27:22 Jenny says: Hello Alice!
11:27:24 Jenny says: Goodbye Alice, I hope that helped!!
11:27:24 Dispatcher: Hi Bob; you'll be seen by Galen
11:27:24 Galen says: Hello Bob!
11:27:25 Galen says: Goodbye Bob, I hope that helped!!
11:27:25 Dispatcher: Hi Charli; you'll be seen by Jenny
11:27:25 Jenny says: Hello Charli!
11:27:27 Jenny says: Goodbye Charli, I hope that helped!!
11:27:27 Dispatcher: Hi Boatswain; you'll be seen by Galen
11:27:27 Galen says: Hello Boatswain!
11:27:29 Galen says: Goodbye Boatswain, I hope that helped!!
11:27:29 Dispatcher: Hi Bucky; you'll be seen by Jenny
11:27:29 Jenny says: Hello Bucky!
11:27:30 Jenny says: Goodbye Bucky, I hope that helped!!
11:27:30 Dispatcher: Nobody waiting in queue, will check again in three seconds.
11:27:33 Dispatcher: Nobody waiting in queue, will check again in three seconds.

This doesn't look so great. We have some problems to solve. If you look at the code, you might see other problems too. Here are three:

  • Challenge 1: the dispatcher is waiting for an individual TA to finish helping a student before allocating the next TA. Lots of TAs will be idle, and students will wait a lot longer.
  • Challenge 2: maybe we'd like to add TAs while the dispatcher is running.
  • Challenge 3: how can new students join the queue?

All of these problems are related to today's topic: concurrency:

  • We'd like TAs to be able to help students without holding up the dispatcher from allocating other students to other TAs. We need the dispatcher to run concurrently with the TAs.
  • We need a way for the Main class to call dispatcher.addTA() after the dispatcher starts running. But right now, there's no way for the Main class to run independently of the dispatcher. We need the dispatcher to run concurrently with the main() method.
  • We need a way for new students to be added to the queue. This is the same problem as above!

Concerns like these pop up all the time in engineering. (The problem isn't just that the way I've written the dispatcher library is not very realistic.)

How does concurrency help us?

A program is concurrent if it involves multiple simultaneous threads of execution. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean that these multiple threads really are running at the same time, just that they are "executing". We will make a distinction in this class between concurrency and parallelism, where threads really are executing at the same time, usually on multi-core hardware or in the cloud. A parallel program is always concurrent, but a concurrent program may or may not actually be parallel.

To illustrate this idea, consider what your computer is doing right now. You're probably running more programs than you can count, even before you think about what your operating system is doing. How many CPU cores do you have? Probably not more than a dozen (and likely fewer). So not all of the concurrency that's happening can be parallelized: you'd need hundreds of cores for that! Instead, your operating system runs a scheduler program which allocates slices of time to different threads of execution.

Concurrency is more common than you might imagine. Because we're working with Java, every program you write is concurrent, even a "Hello World!" program. Why?

Think, then click!

The garbage collector!

Using concurrency to get what we want

Imagine logically splitting our big program into separate, independent "threads" of execution: one that runs the dispatcher, another that runs when a TA helps a student, and so on. We just need to separate them from each other, and help them communicate.

So far we've only had one thread: the one that starts up in our main method. How do we get another, and which should it correspond to?

Think, then click!

There are a few options. But let's start simply, and not try to solve all the challenges at once. We'll have every TA correspond to their own thread, and have those threads woken up by the dispatcher.

Runnables and Threads

Java has an interface called Runnable, which requires the implementation of a run() method. It's also got a class called Thread, which has a constructor that accepts a Runnable and a method called start(). So, as a first cut, let's make TA implement Runnable, and whenever we dispatch a student to that TA, we run the thread.

public class TA implements Runnable {
    // ...
    public void seeStudent(Student student) throws TABusyException {
        if(helping != null)
            throw new TABusyException();
        helping = student;
        new Thread(this).start(); // NOT the same as .run()

    // ...
    public void run() {
        // help the student (simulate by pausing for 1.5 seconds -- we're VERY EFFICIENT)
        System.out.println(timestamp()+" "+name+ " says: Hello "+helping+"!");
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Oops -- terminated!"); // not a great message
        System.out.println(timestamp()+" "+name+ " says: Goodbye "+helping+", I hope that helped!!");
        helping = null;


Now, when we run, we'll see:

11:45:32 Dispatcher: Welcome to TA hours! Today we're discussing Concurrency
11:45:32 Dispatcher: Hi Nim; you'll be seen by Galen
11:45:32 Dispatcher: Hi Alice; you'll be seen by Jenny
11:45:32 Galen says: Hello Nim!
11:45:32 Jenny says: Hello Alice!
11:45:33 Jenny says: Goodbye Alice, I hope that helped!!
11:45:33 Galen says: Goodbye Nim, I hope that helped!!
11:45:33 Dispatcher: Hi Bob; you'll be seen by Jenny
11:45:33 Dispatcher: Hi Charli; you'll be seen by Galen
11:45:33 Jenny says: Hello Bob!
11:45:33 Galen says: Hello Charli!
11:45:35 Galen says: Goodbye Charli, I hope that helped!!
11:45:35 Jenny says: Goodbye Bob, I hope that helped!!
11:45:35 Dispatcher: Hi Boatswain; you'll be seen by Galen
11:45:35 Dispatcher: Hi Bucky; you'll be seen by Jenny
11:45:35 Galen says: Hello Boatswain!
11:45:35 Jenny says: Hello Bucky!
11:45:35 Dispatcher: Nobody waiting in queue, will check again in three seconds.
11:45:36 Jenny says: Goodbye Bucky, I hope that helped!!
11:45:36 Galen says: Goodbye Boatswain, I hope that helped!!
11:45:38 Dispatcher: Nobody waiting in queue, will check again in three seconds.
11:45:41 Dispatcher: Nobody waiting in queue, will check again in three seconds.

Much better!

Concurrency vs. Parallelism (Again)

The TA thread and the main thread really are running separately. It's not clear whether they are truly running in parallel, though: the operating system and Java runtime decide that, in part based on how many cores the hardware has available.

What Could Go Wrong?

Concurrency seems really powerful. But are there any risks associated with it? Let's investigate.

Suppose we want to record how many students have been seen before the dispatcher terminates. One natural way to do this is by adding a static counter to the dispatcher class:

static int studentsSeen = 0;

Now, every TA can increment this counter in its run method, when the student has been helped:

HoursDispatcher.studentsSeen += 1;

If we tell the dispatcher to print this counter out, we'll see output like this at the end of the queue:

11:56:10 Dispatcher: Nobody waiting in queue, will check again in three seconds. So far we helped 6 students.

And indeed that's what we see. But let's see how this works at scale. Instead of using these names, we'll create a hundred TAs, and a few thousand students who need to be helped! To keep things simple, we'll just have one queue of students.

List<Student> oneQueue = new ArrayList<>();
final int numStudents = 30000;
final int numTas = 1000;
for(int i = 1;i<=numStudents; i++)
    oneQueue.add(new Student("Student"+i));
HoursDispatcher dispatcher = new HoursDispatcher(oneQueue.iterator(), "Concurrency 2");
for(int i = 1;i<=numTas;i++)
    dispatcher.addTA(new TA("TA"+i), 120);

So that we can simulate helping so many students without waiting, let's reduce the delay time to help a student: students will be helped instantaneously! We'll also remove the printing in the TA class, since that slows things down.

We might see something like this:

12:10:52 Dispatcher: Nobody waiting in queue, will check again in three seconds. So far we helped 299993 students.

Uh oh.

What's going on? (By the way, this issue might be less likely to happen if we left the printing in.)

Think, then click!

I've made the classic thread safety mistake. Incrementing that counter isn't atomic: two threads might be trying to edit it at once. Suppose they both fetch the current value at once, add 1 to that value, and then write. If that sequene of operations happens, the counter will only be increased by one.

This sort of issue is pervasive in multi-threaded programming. Do the reading---you'll save yourselves a lot of pain.

How Can We Fix This?

The first approach is old-school synchronization:

synchronized (HoursDispatcher.class) {
    HoursDispatcher.studentsSeen += 1;

This will tell Java that only one TA can be running that increment operation at a time. (The argument to synchronized helps disambiguate between multiple dimensions of synchronization we might have happening).

Another approach is to use thread safe objects from Java's standard library. In particular, I could have used an AtomicInteger for the counter:

static AtomicInteger studentsSeen = new AtomicInteger(0);


Both of these approaches fix the problem.

More Concurrency Tips

There are many, many ways to manage concurrency in Java and other languages. Next time we'll introduce the future/promise approach, which is made simpler in TypeScript via the async and await keywords.

There's another file,, in the livecode repo that demonstrates another way of working with threads in Java that's very well suited to applications where you need to carve up a lot of work (which you hope to parallelize across multiple cores) or don't yet know how much work you have to do. We won't cover it in lecture, but it could be a useful example for you on your projects.

TypeScript/JavaScript Asynchrony

JavaScript "Concurrency"

Today's livecode will be in the repository under oct17_ts_fetch. Get the code to follow along. There's also more examples in the repository than we can cover in a single class, so you might find it useful for reference as well.

On the surface, JavaScript has really convenient support for concurrency. Try these in the browser console:

setTimeout(() => console.log('2'), 5000)

But just under that surface, complexity lurks:

setTimeout(() => console.log('2'), 5000)
while(true) {}

What's happening here? JavaScript—a language built for the web—is a language whose design is deeply and unavoidably tangled with concurrency.

And yet, JavaScript itself (barring some modern extensions, which are best used for expensive tasks that would block important things like UI interactivity) is single threaded. We don't create a new thread to wait for a web request to finish. Instead, we create a callback, like we would for a button being clicked.

In principle, callbacks are called as soon as possible. But "as soon as possible" is complicated.

The Callback Queue

Because TypeScript is single threaded, it can't actually invoke a callback while it's running some other piece of code. It has to wait until that code finishes, and then it looks at its callback queue to see if it has callbacks waiting to be processed.

Every time a callback is registered (in the setTimeout example above, the 0-argument function that invokes console.log is a callback) it is added to the queue. Crucially, these calls will only ever take place if they're popped off the queue. And they're only ever removed when the code currently being executed is finished.

This will become extremely important when you start sending web requests from your frontend to your API server. Callbacks are not threads.

Repeating for emphasis

Callbacks are not threads.

Code Review Exercise

Let's look at some code and anticipate potential errors related to concurrency. (I've removed the types so that we can run this in the browser console.) What's the value that you expect to be printed by this code?

function sayHello(){
    let toReturn = 0
    setTimeout(() => {
        toReturn = 500
    }, 0)
    setTimeout(() => {
        toReturn = 100
    }, 5000)
    return toReturn

Fetching Data in TypeScript

In TypeScript, you can use the fetch function to send a web request:

export function printGridInfo() {    
    const lat: number = 39.7456
    const lon: number = -97.0892
    const url: string = `${lat},${lon}`
    console.log(`Requesting: ${url}`)

      Try #1
    const json = fetch(`${lat},${lon}`)

Thinking about what we just learned about concurrency, and what we know about TypeScript, do you expect fetch to be synchronous or asynchronous? That is, will it "block" execution until it finishes?

If it's synchronous, then the page-load process might be delayed noticably. And slowing down page loading to the point a user notices is a cardinal sin on the web: it's "in the folklore" that a small delay can lead to a drop in revenue.

But if it's asynchronous (i.e., doesn't block) then what will be printed? Hopefully not undefined or null—the data will almost certainly get here eventually. So fetch returns a datatype whose entire purpose is to represent data that doesn't yet exist: a promise.

A promise can either be resolved, in which case the value exists within (but the value is still a promise object, not the data!) or rejected, in which case the promise contains an error. Until either of those events occurs, the promise exists in a state of potential only.

Aside: Many modern languages have promise libraries, and promises are a common way to manage asynchronous computation (like web requests). This is not just about TypeScript/JavaScript.

But because of how JavaScript works, the promise cannot be resolved until the current code finishes running. That is, the console.log statement can't print the right answer until after the console.log executes, because the right answer won't exist until then.

But how does console.log work, then?

Because the browser has multiple threads. It's only JavaScript evaluation that is single threaded. So we can see the update in the browser console before the currently-running JavaScript finishes.

Clearly, we need something to help make this work.

Extracting Promised Data with Callbacks

Promises can be given callback functions to run when they're resolved:

// Make a web request...
    // ...and when the response arrives, print it to the console
    .then(response => console.log(response)) 

The function passed to the then call will execute once a real value exists for the response. The .json() method returns a promise itself, so we need to provide a callback for that, too, now:

    .then(response => response.json()) 
    .then(responseObject => {         

This is called a chain of promises. Once the response is received, we convert it to an object. Once that conversion process is done, we print the result.

You can find more examples like this in the livecode repository. We'll also talk more about them in the gearup for this upcoming sprint.

What about types?

Promise<T> is a generic type in TypeScript. By default, fetch returns a Promise<any>---beware, here. The any type exists, at least in part, for interoperability with JavaScript, and it disables many checks involving computation "downstream" of the any value.

See the livecode for more content. In particular, there's:

  • a demo that reinforces how promises are not threads;
  • a demo of some pitfalls when using async/await, if you choose to do so;
  • a more complete series of attempts to extract Json from a fetched response, including how to make narrowing easy.

We'll cover what we can in today's class session, but please read over the livecode too. I leave comments to try and make the livecode a good supplemental resource.

What about async and await?

TypeScript provides two constructs that can often make working with promises easier: async (which tells the system that the function actually returns a promise, even if as written it returns a value), and await (which tells the system to invisibly inject callbacks as needed to act as though it is waiting for a certain operation to finish). You'll have already seen these used heavily in Playwright testing, because await is very convenient to, well await the loading of a webpage.

The key is remembering that await can only be used within an async function, and an async function always returns a promise. So if I write something like:

const f = async (url) => {
    const response = await fetch(url)
    return response;

then the return type of f is actually Promise<Response>, not Response. You can confirm this via mouseover in VSCode.

A screenshot of VSCode showing the above code, with a mouseover indicating the return type is a promise.

As a consequence, if you use async and await, you end up either:

  • putting all the pertinent functionality you care about in async functions after awaits, and thus can totally ignore the return value; or
  • if you need to do something with the final return value outside an async context, use .then() on the return value—which, again, will be a promise outside an async context.

Software as Hammer, MBT/PBT

Is Software Like a Hammer?

Let's start with a short discussion.

Some have said that software is like a hammer: it's a morally neutral tool that can be used for either good or evil. You can build a house with a hammer, or you can commit murder.

Discussion: What do you think about this?

It's an appealing argument! In some ways, software might indeed be viewed as morally neutral. But, personally, I think that the "hammer" analogy is too glib.

My father was a carpenter, and we had a table saw in our garage. A table saw is a terrifying piece of machinery; it's got a large rotary blade that slices through wood as you push it along the table. It's also a complex piece of machinery: there are various levers and dials to control the height of the blade and other factors, but also numerous safety features. Dad's didn't have as many as modern saws have, but there was still an emergency stop button and a blade guard.

My point is: software isn't a hammer. Software is more like a table saw. If you don't think about safety when you design a table saw, people are going to get badly hurt. Yeah, you can still hurt yourself with a hammer (I have, multiple times). But the greater the degree of potential harm, the more careful thought and added safety-features are called for.

So don't get lured in by "software is like a hammer" statements. Something can be morally neutral in itself and still warrant careful design for safety (or a decision not to make it at all). There's a quote from Robert Oppenheimer I like, from the "personnel hearing" in which he lost his clearance:

"When you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it and argue about what to do about it only after you’ve had your technical success. That is the way it was with the atomic bomb."

Beyond Fuzz Testing

We previously saw fuzz testing, which sent randomly generated inputs to a program under test, and checked whether the program crashed. We can do a lot more with this idea of random inputs. But to do so, we need a broader view of what "testing" means.

In fuzz testing, we didn't pay much attention to the output of the program. We just checked that it didn't raise an exception. The problem with doing more is that, if we've got randomly-generated inputs, we can't pair them with manually-generated outputs. So now the question is: where can we get "correct" outputs from?

What if we had a known-good baseline implementation we were trying to optimize? Consider building one of those clever, super-optimized implementations of a basic arithmetic function. These matter in a lot of domains (e.g. graphics). Suppose you're testing:

float fastFloor(float value) {
    // ...

How long do you think it would take to loop through every possible primitive 32-bit float value, and check whether or not fastFloor returns the same value as Math.floor?

Think, then click!

About 90 seconds, and that's on a computer from several years ago. Several years ago.

Here, we don't even need random inputs! Of course, if the function took 64-bit double values, the story would be different, because there are too many of those to loop through exhaustively in a reasonable timeframe. So, in that case, we'd fall back to checking random inputs.

Model Based Testing

Model-based Testing is using a separate artifact that models the desired behavior of the system as either an oracle for correctness or a means of guiding test input generation. Today we'll look at the former: see the livecode for today, where we'll test my implementation of bubble sort. Concretely:

  • My bubble-sort method is the program under test. We want to evaluate whether or not it is correct.
  • Java's standard Collections.sort method is the known-good artifact. It will serve as our oracle of correctness.

Something very important has just happened. Pay attention!

What just happened?

We have stopped talking about testing against specific outputs, and have started testing more abstract properties of outputs. In fuzz testing, the property was "doesn't crash". For (this type of) model-based testing, we want to check whether the output lists are exactly the same. But we don't need to encode a specific output, which lets us use randomness to generate inputs and mine for bugs while we sleep.

Other kinds of model-based testing include using modeling languages to sketch desired behavior, or using something like a state machine model to generate traces of user interactions to test (e.g.) data structures or user interfaces.

Be Careful!

How you choose to use the oracle matters. Using equality to compare a result from the oracle and a result from the implementation under test is great sometimes, but not always. To see why, try randomly generating more than just integers—in particular, try records. The code is in the repository. What happens, and why?

Think, then click!

Our comparison fails! The Java-library sort and my bubble sort implementation disagree on something. But this disagreement can only happen for more complicated data than integers. Here's an example:

Expected :[Student[id=-4, credits=0], Student[id=5, credits=5], Student[id=5, credits=-4]]
Actual   :[Student[id=-4, credits=0], Student[id=5, credits=-4], Student[id=5, credits=5]]

We have two students who, by the definition of our compare method, ought to be considered equal: they have the same student ID! (Note that this is regardless of whether we implemented .equal for the record type.) But the two sorts produced different sub-orderings for those students. One of these sorts is a stable sort: it preserves the original order of equal elements. The other is not, and may re-order equal elements.

And yet, both sorts are correct (assuming we didn't require the sort to be stable).

This problem comes up frequently. Whenever you have a problem that has more than one correct answer, direct comparison of results is perilous. Consider basically every graph or optimization problem: shortest path, change-making, graph coloring, optimal scheduling, ... They all often have multiple correct answers. We'll call these relational problems, because one input can correspond to more than one correct output.

So how do we deal with this issue? By broadening the way we think about correctness.

Property-Based Testing

What makes a sorting implementation correct? Let's set aside oracles like alternative implementations and models. What makes us look at an output and say "yes, that's right" given an input?

Think, then click!

Here are some properties:

  • the output is sorted;
  • the output has the same elements as the input.

We touched on this briefly before, but let's be more concrete about what we mean by "the same elements". Really, we mean that the input is a permutation of the output. We need to be precise, since we're about to write a Java method that checks for these properties!

If we can write a set of properties as a method, we can just use that as our oracle! Try filling this in, reflecting the properties we want from a correct sort.

// uncomment the test annotation to enable the test
    // @Test
    public void pbtSortStudentRecords() {
        long numIterations = 10000;

        for(int trial=0;trial<numIterations;trial++) {
            List<Student> input = randomStudentList(3, -5, 5);
            List<Student> output = new ArrayList<>(items);

            // What makes a sort _correct_?
            // EXERCISE: Write some code that compares `input` and `output` in a 
            // property-focused way, not via direct comparison.

This powerful technique is called property-based testing.

Further Reading

Tim has a paper about teaching PBT, which you can check out here if you're interested.

There are also many, many PBT libraries that help with random input generation. For example, if you use Python, Hypothesis is great. For other languages, look for the phrase "QuickCheck", which is the name of the original PBT library, which was written for Haskell. For better or worse, Java has multiple such libraries.

What's the takeaway?

Two things:

First, randomly generating test inputs is practical and, if done well, powerful. You can use this to mine for bugs while doing other things.

Second, in situations where there are multiple correct answers a program might give, the traditional, actual_output == expected_output mode of testing is risky at best. You'll be over-fitting your test suite to whatever your implementation produces today. Then someone comes along and makes a small change, and the program remains correct but a bunch of test cases suddenly break. We can use model-based and property-based testing to avoid that problem.

Broaden your perspective on testing, and you become a better developer.

Thinking About Algorithms Like An Engineer

These notes combine multiple sources from prior semesters. Broadly, they discuss:

  • data representations vs. interfaces;
  • kd-trees;
  • comparators (from the perspective of the kd-tree class as a consumer);
  • bloom filters; and
  • A* search.

They aren't super well organized, becauase I put them together for a voted-on lecture in the hope they are interesting. We probably won't be able to talk about everything here in class.

Thinking About Data Representations

There's an adage you may have heard before: "the query influences the structure". This means that your choice of data structure shouldn't just be about the shape of the data you get, it should also be affected what you plan to do with the data.

This may seem obvious, but it's harder than it sounds. It's helpful to make a very careful distinction between the representation of data and the interface it provides. Blurring this distinction leads to pain later in the development cycle. Here's an example.

QUESTION: What's a list?

Think, then click!

It depends.

Do you mean the set of operations one usually expects a list to be able to perform? Adding, removing, index-based accesses, etc.? If so, a list is an object providing that interface to a caller.

Or do you mean a particular data structure? A linked list? Maybe a doubly linked list? A (dynamic) array list? All of these can conform to the List interface, although some of them have to do more work than others for certain operations.

Don't conflate these two meanings. One is about the functionality you must provide; the other is about how you concretely choose to represent your data.

Think Like an Engineer

Keep this in mind when you're splitting up work: decide together on the operations (interface) each component needs from the others early, and keep other criteria broad ("I need you to give me the find operation", and then eventually "I need worst-case runtime for the find operation"; don't skip right to "I need you to use a Java TreeList").

Just like we can provide the List interface via many different data structures, we can provide algorithmic content like "find the nearest neighbor of an element" in many different ways. Let's look at one you may not have seen before.

Thinking About Algorithms: The Mailbox Problem (KD-trees)

In the one-dimensional mailbox problem, you've got a world consisting of buildings positioned on a very long street. Every building has a numeric location on the street; we'll assume it's always an integer.

If I told you that I wanted to give you the addresses of all houses on the street, and you needed to let me check to see whether there was a house at any address, you'd be quite justified in reaching first for the Set interface. You might even go for Map, anticipating I might later want to add more to the data for each house. These tend to be backed by efficient hash-table data structures.

But now there's a twist. I don't just want to check membership (or get data about a specific house). Instead, I've got to route the mail.

Why is this hard? Because I'm doing the routing at a very high level: I'm working for a gigantic or district post office! We can't hand-deliver every piece of mail ourselves. So I need to send letters to the right small, local post office for hand-delivery.

In short, I need to find the nearest neighbor to the target house, from among a set of post office addresses.

You could solve this using a list (or set, or any collection) to store the data points, and a for loop to iterate through them, seeking the nearest neighbor. The trouble is that a linear-time search won't scale as the dataset grows. Our first go-to data structure, the hash table, won't work for nearest-neighbor---hashing will lose information about locality and closeness that are so vital to solving this problem!

Think Like an Engineer

Agree on what you need from the interface, and then figure out what the right implementation is afterward. It's OK to start with something inefficient, and it might even let you explore the problem enough that your second implementation is better than it would have been otherwise.

What would you use instead, if you wanted better performance?

Think, then click!

This is one of several reasons why we still teach you binary search trees (BSTs). BSTs are absolutely perfect for this problem. Not only are they aware of relative positions (and have to be) but it turns out that the ordinary recursive descent you might perform to search for membership also suffices to find a nearest neighbor: you're guaranteed to always find the nearest neighbor somewhere on the descent!

Suppose we store a set of post offices in the following (balanced!) BST:

If we're seeking a nearest-neighbor to 17, I claim that it always works to do a search in the tree for 17. If 17 is found, it is its own nearest neighbor. If 17 isn't found, then its nearest neighbor must be on the path taken during the search.

And 20 is the nearest neighbor to 17. It won't always be the last node visited, but it must be on the path.

Why does this work?

Think, then click!

Because every time we move down the tree, we move in the direction of the goal. It would be impossible to visit a node X, where X < goal, and move right when we should have moved left. We get this from one of the BST invariants: every node is less than (or equal to) all its right descendants.

Moving beyond 1 dimension

This seems pretty useful, and 1 dimension can be enough for data organized by (say) price or time, where "nearest" still makes sense. But often you really do need more than one dimension. How might we extend a BST for multiple dimensions?

It turns out that there are a few answers. There are solutions, like quad-trees and oct-trees, where nodes have a large number of children. These are often used in (e.g.) video game engines.

Today we're going to explore an alternative solution that retains the binary-tree foundation, but still handles membership and nearest-neighbor queries on multiple dimensions: k-d trees.

(I'm going to completely sidestep the question of balance; it's vital for performance but today we'll be talking about functionality.)

K-d trees have nodes corresponding to k-dimensional points. So, in a tree with two dimensions, we might have points like (0,5) or (6,2). Here's an example of what I mean:

OK, sure: this is a binary tree with 2-dimensional node labels. But what makes it usable in ways other binary trees aren't? A better way to phrase that question is to ask: what are the invariants of a k-d tree?

The key is that every rank in a k-d tree is focused on a single dimension: starting at index 0, then moving on to index 1 and so on, and rotating back to 0. Given that added structure, we can say that for every node P at rank X:

  • all left-descendants of P have an X coordinate less than P.X; and
  • all right-descendants of P have an X coordinate greater than or equal to P.X.

(I'm making an arbitrary design choice and saying that same-value entries go to the right. Notice that this design choice is more important here than in a BST: there, you can avoid the question by excluding duplicates; here, you'd have to exclude any point from sharing a single dimension from another.)

Here's the tree, annotated more helpfully. (Check that it satisfies the invariants!)

Now how do we actually use these invariants? Since every rank has a single dimension of interest, we might start by doing a normal recursive descent, like we would on a BST, but ignoring dimensions that the current node has no interest in.

Let's try it! We'll search for the nearest neighbor of (5,5) in this kd-tree.

This looks promising; the nearest neighbor is (6,5) and we did visit that node in our descent.

But will it always work? See if you can think of a target (X,Y) coordinate whose nearest neighbor is not along the normal recursive descent.

Think, then click!

(5,4) is one example of this; there are others.

Sadly, this means that we can't always get away with a single descent. Which, yes, means that even a balanced kd-tree has a worst-case search time that's worse than logarithmic in the number of nodes. In fact, the worst-case complexity is linear.

In the average case, it's still much better than a list, though.

Fixing the problem

So we can't always get away with a single descent. Surely we aren't doomed to always exploring the entire tree? Maybe we can still exploit the invariants in a useful way. To explore this idea, we'll draw those same 7 points on a 2-dimensional graph, and frame the same search for (5,4):

Here is where I notice that my drawing app has gridlines, but the exported images don't. Sigh. (TODO: fix for next semester.)

The purpose of the invariants is, like in a normal BST, splitting the search space between points "bigger" and "smaller" than the current point. We no longer have a single number line, but we can still split the space. The root note, (6,5) is a dimension 0 (X) node, so let's draw a line partitioning the space accordingly:

The invariants guarantee that any target node with an X coordinate smaller than 6 must be located in the left subtree of (6,5).

Sure, but that's the same reasoning that got us into trouble in the first place. We know that the nearest neighbor might be, and indeed is, in the right subtree of (6,5).

The trick is in the diagram. How far away from the goal (5,4) is the node we're currently visiting? sqrt(2), assuming that we're using the usual Cartesian distance metric. So we know that any regions of the space further away from the goal than sqrt(2) aren't productive to visit. In fact, let's mentally draw a circle of radius sqrt(2) around the goal:

At least, we'll pretend that's a circle.

As we follow the normal recursive descent, we'll draw 2 more dotted lines: one for (0,5) and another for (4,1). But, sadly, our best estimate remains no closer than sqrt(2). We'll pop back up from (4,1) to (0,5) and ask: do we need to explore the right subtree?

Put another way, is there potentially useful space (space inside the circle) on on the far side of the dotted line we drew for (0,5)?

By the way, you'll sometimes hear these dotted lines referred to as cutting planes.

Here's a possibly helpful picture:

Yes! there's productive space on the far side, and so we do need to recur on the right subtree. In general, we can check for productive space by calculating:

where GOAL is the goal point, CURR is the current node (where we arere trying to decide whether or not to recur again), BEST is our best candidate so far, and dist is the distance formula of your choice.

Comparators and the Strategy Pattern

Data structures like this rely heavily on comparisons, and there isn't one single comparison operation that works for every imaginable dataset. Another engineer who is using your data structure might want to provide their own, domain-appropriate comparisons. But if we code a particular comparison into the class, the engineer can't provide their own comparison metric.

Think Like an Engineer

This is an opportunity to exercise a little "technical empathy". We want to allow the other engineer to use our data structure with their own, domain-specific, definitions. This might involve multiple concepts: comparison, distance, and so on.

But don't be an "Architecture Astronaut"! Don't over-engineer things.

OO and FP Agree on the Interface

If this reminds you of the dependency injection idea from last week, good! Whether or not we ask the caller to provide the metric to the constructor or at the time we call another method, the idea is the same. Object-Oriented design calls this the strategy pattern; Functional Programming calls this a use of first-class functions---that is, functions or methods that are values in the language itself and thus can be passed as arguments.

You may have heard that in Java, "everything is an object". This isn't strictly true (because primitives like int exist) but even if it were, like in (say) Scala, I see no reason why a function can't also be an object. After all, objects carry methods.


At the core of the strategy pattern is humility: we don't pretend to know every possible scenario that our caller might think of, so we give them a way to customize the larger functionality we provide.

Java provides another standard interface that's useful here: Comparator. But rather than being implemented by the class being compared, it's implemented by a standalone class whose implementation provides a new comparison method. E.g.:

class CartesianComparator implements Comparator<Cartesian> {

    public int compare(Cartesian o1, Cartesian o2) {
        // e.g., an implementation of Euclidian distance
        //   (throw an error if #dimensions is different)

Every instance of the CartesianComparator class contains a strategy function that a kd-tree can use for comparisons. A caller could create an object of this type, and pass it to the tree as needed. And they could write more of these: WeightedCartesianComparator, ManhattanCartesianComparator, and on and on, limited only by their needs and your interface.

(You'll provide them a suitable interface, won't you?)

Finally, remember you're free to ask something of them. For instance, if I write a comparator method that always returns -1, I'm setting myself up for frustration and debugging in the future through no fault of yours! Why isn't it your fault? Can it be there's some obligation I have, when I use the Comparator interface?

Thinking About Tradeoffs: Bloom Filters

In computer science, we're used to tradeoffs. Specifically, you've all learned about the classic space-time tradeoff that caching gives. You might implement this by memoization, or dynamic programming, or (if you're Google, Netflix, or some other popular website) a Content Delivery Network.

But what else might we compromise on? Here's a thought: can we ever compriomise on correctness in exchange for a time or space savings? Does that even make sense? Is it possible we've already done that somehow?

Think, then click!

The basic idea underlying hash tables is a compromise on correctness. They're just built to resolve that compromise internally.

Here's what I mean. If we assume that every record key hashes to a different table key, hash tables are a miracle (constant-time lookup). But this usually isn't true: collisions almost certainly happen. So the table has a (worst-case) linear-time backup plan built in to recover from that compromise.

This idea of compromise on correctness is also valuable in algorithms. E.g., there exist fast algorithms for primality testing that just happen to be wrong sometimes.

Is that enough to build something useful out of? Would you maybe want more?

Yeah, you'd maybe like something along the lines of:

  • only wrong in one direction; and
  • only wrong X% of the time.

Technical aside: I am oversimplifying the algorithm a bit, because there are a few other details. You might learn about these if you take a number theory class, or an algorithms class!

Think Like an Engineer

Note again that we're back to what guarantees a data structure or algorithm provides. When you're building or selecting a data structure or algorithm, consider the needs of your caller and/or end-user. In the case of these prime-testing algorithms, they can very quickly rule out many non-prime numbers, and do so fast enough that it's worth using them as a pre-test before applying a slow, but sound, algorithm.

Bloom Filters

Bloom filters are a data structure for implementing set-membership queries. They work a lot like a hash table. Indeed, the basic structure they build on is a hash table. They just happen to not return booleans, or at least not in the same sense as (say) a Set in Java. Instead, a Bloom filter returns one of:

  • the item is possibly in the set; or
  • the item is definitely not in the set.

A Common Use Case

They're frequently used as an efficient first-pass check to more expensive membership checks on very, very large datasets. (Think: "No, I don't have that YouTube video stored in this server." or "Yes, I might have that YouTube video---let's look for it.")

Building The Idea

Like with kd-trees, Bloom filters build on a simpler idea; in this case, it's hash tables.

Start with an array of bits. We can use that to implement an approximate membership check: just hash the key you're looking for, and see if the bit in that cell of the array is true, rather than false.

Here's an example. Suppose we're in charge of Amazon's Prime TV service, and we want to very quickly tell whether a certain content-delivery network (CDN) node has a show that a local customer requests. We could add a bit array to every node, and when a new piece of media arrived (say, the first chunk of a new series), we'd hash the name of the media and set the corresponding bit to 1. Like this:

Note one crucial difference. Instead of saving a reference to the media in the table, we're just saving one bit. Very space efficient, especially if we've got a large array.

Now what happens if there's a collision?

Think, then click!

The key that the 2nd arrival hashes to is already set to 1. The array now can't tell the difference between these two media: if a customer requests the second arrival but the first arrival isn't there, the array will report a false positive.

But, either way, a lookup is very, very fast. We can always do a real search through the local media catalogue if the array says we might have what the customer wants. And if the array says it's not here, it definitely isn't.

In short: this data structure allows false positives but not false negatives. Even so, the false positives might make it seem useless, until you think of it as just one part of an overall solution. The table of bits is fast, likely much faster than a real, no-false-positives membership query. If we expect most query responses to be negative, why not try something like:

  • When a query arrives, hash it and check the table of bits.
    • If the answer is "no", then we can return false right away.
    • If the answer is "yes", then we perform the slower, real check and return its result.

Scaling The Idea

Bloom Filters are a generalization of this table-of-bits idea. Wwhy not have several hash functions, and use all the bits those hash functions produce for adding and looking up membership? That is, if we have 3 hash functions and they produce {13, 2, 118}, we'd set bits 13, 2 and 118 to true on arrival, and check those same 3 bits on a membership check.

We still have the potential for false positives: two keys might hash to the same values across all hash functions, and even if they don't, multiple keys might have separately flipped all of those bits before our query. But, if we tune things right, it's a lot less likely than it was before. The trick is in picking the hash functions and deciding how big the table needs to be. Other operations, like deletion, also need care to implement properly.

Let's talk about a problem that you might see in an AI class: helping a robot navigate around a grid-world. The robot wants to find the reward (hidden somewhere in the world) while spending a minimal number of resources in the process. The robot can move up, down, left, or right.

Here's an example: the little smiley face is the robot, and the dollar signs are the reward:

A 4-by-4 gridworld

The filled-in squares represent obstacles: walls, mountains, pits, etc. For now, let's say that every move costs unit of time, or fuel, or whatever measure we're using.

Assuming we know the contents of the gridworld above, how can we plan a path from the robot to the reward?

Breadth-First Search and Dijkstra's Algorithm

One option is to use Dijkstra's algorithm. Actually, since we're saying that every move has cost , we're safe using a simpler variant: breadth-first search (BFS). BFS just builds a "wavefront" of exploration from the source until it finds the goal: distance-1 cells, then distance-2 cells, and so on.

Note that we're not talking about exploring with the robot in real time; we're executing the algorithm all at once, before the robot starts moving at all. So if I talk about "backtracking" I mean it in an algorithmic sense only.

Here's what BFS might look like on this grid world. We reach the goal after hops:

BFS on the above grid world

This looks great! It's a simple algorithm, it's pretty efficient, and everything's great. Right?

It turns out that I've drawn the picture in a way that hides something from you. More formally, the abstraction choices I made in drawing this picture excluded some important aspects of the problem.

Here's the picture, slightly changed...

A bigger grid world

What's the problem? If the world is bigger, BFS will explore a lot of unproductive space before it finds the goal. (To see why, fill in the distance markings in the new cells I just added.)

Neither BFS nor Dijkstra's algorithm takes advantage of any /real distance information/: they just look at the edge weights. Not all graphs make such information available, and not every geometric setting makes "distance" defined in a useful way. But here, we should be able to take advantage of it.

Here's an alternative. Let's build a search process that is entirely guided by distance, not by edge weights. Every cell (implicitly; we're not actually going to have to compute them all) has such a distance. We have a few choices of what distance metric to use here, but let's just use ordinary Euclidian distance:

Greedy Best-First Search on the same grid world

I haven't filled them all in, but the idea is to apply as needed to every cell. By this metric, the robot starts out at a distance from the goal. Moving up would get the robot closer: to distance . Moving down would bring the robot further away: distance . So the search process will move up first. In fact, for this example it will only explore the cells I've labeled. There's one branch caused by the obstacle, but it's quickly bypassed to discover the goal.

The Good

Greedy best-first search can be much more efficient than Dijkstra's algorithm when working with graphs that represent positions in space.

The Bad

What happens when edge weights aren't all ?

Changing one edge weight

GBFS still finds a path, but it isn't the cheapest path. By changing an edge weight, we've made GBFS non-optimal.

Synthesizing These Ideas

Think Like an Engineer

We have just invented two different algorithms to solve the same problem. They have different advantages and disadvantages. Perhaps we can somehow combine them to suit our needs...

We can combine these two algorithmic ideas to produce another pathfinding algorithm called A* (pronounced "A Star"). The core idea of A* is to begin with Dijkstra's algorithm, but include an estimated actual distance in the best-estimate calculations. Rather than looking at only the immediate neighborhood of the current node, A* recognizes that a candidate path must be extended by at least some minimal, "direct" distance in order to reach the goal. In physical space, this might be something like the Euclidian distance between the two points.

Put another way, given two equal-length paths, the one ending closer to the goal should be considered first. The search can therefore be guided more intelligently. Dijkstra’s algorithm will often spend time exploring the “neighborhood” of the start node, but A* can be goal-directed. For example: between two candidate "next" edges with the same weight, if one would take you further from the goal, it is less likely to be the right edge to take.

The beauty of the idea is that, to add in this awareness of overall distance, we just need to make one small change to Dijkstra's algorithm that adds a heuristic distance to the estimated path cost. Instead of f(m) = w(n,m) (where n is the current location and w is the edge-weight function) we'll use f(m) = w(n,m) + h(n,m), where h is the heuristic function of our choice that approximates the "direct" distance from n to m. In effect, Dijkstra's h function always returns 0.

Not any heuristic will do!

A* won't report "wrong" paths. However, if h doesn't meet some criteria, it might report paths that are more expensive than they need to be. Put another way, a bad heuristic could cause A* to lose its guarantee of optimality. We rely implicitly on the first visit to the goal node cooresponding to a cheapest path. But if h over-estimates the distance that will actually be taken, A* might explore a non-optimal path first---just like greedy best-first search did.

For more information about this, take an algorithms course.

Exercise: what does A do on the grid-world above, where we changed one of the edge weights?*

Security And Threat Modeling (All Too Briefly)

Today's notes are more of an outline.


Today's discussion: Of Taxis and Rainbows. There's also a corresponding Hacker News thread.

(1) Let's talk about the core anonymization issue that the article reported on.

  • What's in the data, and what was anonymized?
  • What did they do to anonymize the data before release?
  • What went wrong? (how was the anon. circumvented?)
  • Is this attack a generally useful technique? for what?
  • What could have been done differently?

(1) Takeaways:

  • True anonymization is hard, and it's difficult if not impossible to undo mistakes.
  • Often the interests of historians, social scientists, journalists and others may be competing with privacy interests. There is not always a single right answer, and there certainly isn't an absolute answer that is right for all such cases.
  • When presented with such a situation in tech, think carefully. Seek advice if it's available on both the technical and non-technical angles. Here, the FOIA request was answered in 2 days.

(2) What could an adversary do with this data?

  • What can they do by de-anonymizing the driver and taxi?
  • Don't get distracted by the anonymization issue! What about the passengers?
  • Is there any risk of correlation with other data?
  • Are there possible defenses?

(3) Let's analyze this Hacker News exchange. There were 2 arguments I thought were interesting near the top:

  • "NYC is too dense for reasonable correlation"
  • "nobody who lives in a non-dense part of NYC can afford to take a taxi anyway"

New York City is a lot more than skyscrapers. It includes, say, Staten Island:

Here's a random Google street view:

Take Malte's 2390, Julia's 1952B, and other such courses if you think this sort of thing is interesting. Most importantly, if you think of "social implications" as a separate thing from engineering, stop. It's not always inseparable, but it frequently is. As with much else, there's nuance.

Threat Modeling

There are a small set of slides to accompany today's notes.

What kinds of security threats are there? Are they always technical? How can engineers who aren't security experts (and taking one security class doesn't make you an expert) avoid gaps in their mental model of security?

I'd like to set the stage with two examples: one global and one local.

Example 1: The Parler Data Leak

Some time ago, hackers were able to obtain nearly all data from the Parler website. It turns out that this was technically pretty easy to do, because of a variety of engineering decisions. These included:

  • insecure direct object references: post IDs were consecutive, and so a for loop could reliably and efficiently extract every post on the site.
  • no rate limiting: the above-mentioned for loop could run quickly.
  • failure to scrub geo-location data from uploaded images: the physical location of users was compromised.

Combining multiple security mistakes tends to add up to more than the sum of the individual impacts.

Example 2: Phishing Email

Here's a screenshot of a real email someone received a couple of years ago.

There was a lot more to follow, carefully crafted to trigger fear and loss aversion in the recipient. The sender claimed that they would toss the (salacious and embarrassing) information they had in exchange for a bit of money... in Bitcoin, of course.

This is an example of a social engineering attack: no technical aspect of a system is compromised, but still its human or institutional facets can be hacked. Social engineering is pretty broad, but other examples include a hacker calling Google to reset your password, or a trojan-horse USB drive being left in a bank parking lot.

Don't Forget the People Involved

Here's a classical experiment in psychology.

Example 1

Suppose you're shown four cards. The deck these cards have been taken from have colors on one side (either yellow or red), and numbers (between 1 and 100) on the other. At first, you only see one side of each. Perhaps you see:


You're asked to determine if these four cards obey a simple rule: if the card's number is even, then the card's color is red. The question is, which cards do you need to turn over to check the rule?

Example 2:

Suppose you're shown four cards. The deck these cards have been taken from have drink orders on one side (either juice or beer), and ages (between 1 and 100) on the other. At first, you only see one side of each. Perhaps you see:


You're asked to determine if these four cards obey a simple rule: if the drink order is alcoholic, then the age is no less than 21. The question is, which cards do you need to turn over to check the rule?

Psychological Context

These are called [Wason Selection Task]s( and have been studied extensively in psychology.

Surprisingly, humans tend to do poorly on the first task, but far better on the second. Why? Because context matters. If you can catch someone outside of their security mindset with an apparently rote task, you have a higher chance of exploiting them.

Good security involves far more than just the software. But whether or not we're talking about software or the human brain, bias can be attacked, and the attacker can abuse leaky abstractions.

Aside: The GDPR

You may have heard of the GDPR. On your term projects, it's a good idea to consider how you would comply with the law; we may ask (e.g.) how you would support deletion of a user's data (although we don't expect you to necessarily have time to implement your ideas).

Why should you care about laws like the GDPR? Setting aside ethical and empathetic concerns, if you ever intend to build software that's used in Europe, you ought to be aware of compliance requirements.

Threat Modeling

We tend to think of security as being about confidentiality. But that's too limiting. Are there other kinds of security goals you might want?

Here are 6 very broad classes of goal, which together comprise the S.T.R.I.D.E. framework:

Authentication (vs. Spoofing)

Integrity (vs. Tampering)

Non-repuditation (vs. Repudiation)

Confidentiality (vs. Information Disclosure)

Availability (vs. Denial of Service)

Authorization (vs. Elevation of Privilege)

Elevation of Privilege

We're going to get practice with STRIDE using the cards by Adam Shostack (a noted security expert) for a game called Elevation of Privilege. Adam is the author of my favorite book on threat modeling, which is available in the Brown library. I strongly recommend using this book as a guide to mitigating the kinds of threats we'll identify today.

Happily, this semester I have actual hard-copies of this game to use in class today. We won't have time to play the game, but I want to use them as props to think about potential threats your term projects will face. Everyone should leave with at least one threat in mind.